Schools must communicate information to limited English proficient (LEP) parents and guardians. Learn more here.
Request Document Translation:
- Use LinguistLink to submit all translations. If you have not completed the training yet, you can get started here. It will take about 30 minutes.
- Your front office staff can help you with LinguistLink questions or reach out to our district point person, Chelsea Rhoda at x1022.
- Documents must be in Word, Pages, PowerPoint, Excel, Keynote, or Google Docs.
- Do not send PDFs for translation.
- Please try to submit your translation projects at least four business days out. Anything requested with three business days or less is considered “urgent” and costs significantly more.
Request an Interpreter:
- Interpreter requests must also be submitted through LinguistLink.
- Requests should be made at least four business days in advance.
- If your request is for an emergency, please call your school’s family liaison. If they are not available, then use the “on demand” interpreting form listed on LinguistLink. Any questions about this can be directed to Chelsea Rhoda at x1022.
- The link for ASL requests can be found on our district Portal.
Optional Spanish message template, if needed for emailing your families during times of Targeted Remote Learning:
Greetings! I hope you and your family are doing well, and staying safe and healthy. While we are out of school, I am sending you these resources so you can keep learning at home. Please take care of your physical and mental health first, but if/when you are able, please check out these lessons I made for you. If you are able to submit your work to me, I will provide you feedback on your learning.
You can pick up paper versions of these lessons at school on (date). If you have questions or want to check in with me through video on the computer, I am available (days/times) through this link (teacher WebEx link), or through email.
¡Saludos! Espero que tú y tu familia estén bien, y que se mantengan sanos y seguros. Mientras no hay clases, te mando estos recursos para que puedas seguir aprendiendo desde casa. Por favor, cuídate primero el bienestar físico y mental, pero cuando puedas, échales un ojo a estas lecciones que he preparado para ti. Si puedes completar el trabajo y me lo entregas, te ofreceré apoyo y recomendaciones para tu aprendizaje.
Para recoger copias en papel de estos recursos, puedes venir a la escuela el (day). Si tienes preguntas o quieres hablar por video en la computadora, estoy disponible los (days) a las (times) por medio de este enlace (teacher WebEx link), o por correo electrónico.
For other needs:
Reach out to your ELL Specialist or Latino Family Liaison.