I think all of us have searched for images at one time or another whether it’s for a report, newsletter, invitation, video, etc. Now how many of you have been innocently searching for an image and have been shocked by something inappropriate that pops up? Come on, let’s be honest, it’s probably happened to all of us. When you Google images, you can’t be sure you’re going to always get appropriate material no matter what kind of filter you have. You can create an advanced image search that is safer, especially when you choose the domains you are searching and you can go to Google Search Settings and turn on Safe Search, but this isn’t foolproof.
Here are some great options for safe searches:
Safe Search Kids – Young students can use the search bar at the top of the page to search for images. This site is to be used in conjunction with common sense supervision of kids.
Kiddle – Sites appearing in Kiddle search results, satisfy family friendly requirements, as they filter sites with explicit or deceptive content.
Junior Safe Search – Provides a safe search for the learning minds of future generations.
Pics4Learning – Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and illustrations.
Photos for Class – Access safe images that are available to be used in the classroom and for educational purposes, with accurate image citations.
Infotopia – Created by school librarians for students and their teachers. It is a directory and search engine including only websites recommended by teachers, librarians, and library and educational consortia.
Big Picture – Science images
Hopefully, these sites help in searching for safe images. Don’t forget to also check out our databases that our district subscribes to. They may have the images you’re looking for.
Worldbook Online, SIRS Researcher, Discovery, OSLIS, Teen Health and Wellness
If you are accessing the databases away from the school server, you will need to use the database username and password. Please remember that you have to be logged in with your district Google account in order to view the Database Passwords.
In the comments below, please let us know of additional sites that you like to use when searching for images.