Monday Notes, October 19 2020

Good Morning Team!
Wow, what a beautiful weekend we had–I hope you got out and enjoyed it! I absolutely love this time of year, such a beautiful transition time between the warm summer days and the magical snowy winter. I embrace the change!

A huge, heartfelt thank you for the gifts and very kind words on Friday in honor of Boss’s Day. It feels great to be appreciated, and I sincerely hope that you know I am always here to support you, collaborate with you, and work to make our work as rewarding as possible. I hold you all near and dear and want only the best for us as a community of educators!

A few notes to get you going:
1) The on-line Amity Clothing Store is open for business! This is a limited time event, so act quickly–the store is open from now until Nov 1. Here is the link: The turnaround/distribution time is a week or two after November 1. Get your gear on!

2) If you haven’t already, please share your current schedule with me, as well as invite me as a co-teacher on your Seesaw and Google Classroom. Please do this no later than Wednesday of this week. Thank you!

3) From an email I sent you last week: Sometime in the next week please take a  few minutes to record a short  (1 minute-ish) video of yourself and upload it into this folder: Staff Intro Videos.  I’ll compile the videos with an intro and get it ready to send out. Please get this done this week–should include who you are and one thing you do to take care of yourself.

4) Tentative material pick-up dates: October 30 (come in costume), November 13, and December 4. We’ll confirm each of these pick-ups on the Monday of those weeks.

5) I’m working on a virtual Scholastic Book Fair. These book fairs help us buy lots of books each year and puts books in the hands of our kiddos. I’ll get back to you soon with details–hoping to launch it next week, just in time for the holidays.

6) Based on my calculations we missed the metrics again last week. It looks like our first possible return date is now November 16. I’ll confirm this and let you know.

7) Please remember to take attendance by 10am each day (for previous 24 hour period). Still have questions? Check in with Patti.

8) The district is pushing out a new on-line library called myON. Have a quick look to see what it’s about and consider attending one of the informational Webex meetings:

I shared this on Facebook last week and wanted to share it with you:
Though we are living through some difficult and challenging times, it doesn’t mean we have to lose our sense of humanity and the love we hold for each other. As I was looking through photos last week I found this gem of a photo (below) from last Spring when some families shared their love and appreciation for their teachers drive-by style. This is a great time to remember the mantra shared by Ms. Amanda: May I Be Peaceful, May I Be Kind, May I Show My Love Well. Peaceful, Kind, Love. These things can get us through difficult times if we stay true to them, and now more than ever we need to stay true!

Image may contain: 1 person, car and outdoor

October 28-30: These are school days, NO Conferences
October 30: Packet Pick-up, 1-3pm (tentative, to be confirmed next week). Come in costume!
November 1: Deadline to order from Amity Store
November 3: Election Day, don’t forget to get your ballots in on time!
November 11: Veteran’s Day, NO SCHOOL
November 13: Packet Pick-up, 1-3pm (tentative, to be confirmed closer to the date)
November 23-27: Thanksgiving Break, NO SCHOOL

Here’s to a great week ahead!

6,154 thoughts on “Monday Notes, October 19 2020”

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    يعتبر الحليب من أكثر الطرق فعالية لتنظيف بقع الحبر على الأرائك ، حيث يساعد على تكسير جزيئات الحبر ، كما يساعد نشا الذرة على الامتصاص ، ولكن إليك كيفية استخدامه. اخلطي كمية كبيرة من نشا الذرة مع الحليب السائل حتى تتكون عجينة سميكة. انشر المعجون على بقعة الحبر واتركه يجف تماما. نظف المعجون بإسفنجة رطبة أو قطعة قماش مبللة. امسح المعجون بقطعة قماش مبللة بالماء.

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  21. Great insights in the Monday Notes from October 19, 2020! Love staying informed and starting the week on a knowledgeable note. Looking forward to more updates!

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  26. Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that combines various techniques and methods to extract knowledge and insights from data. It involves the application of statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and computational tools to analyze and interpret complex data sets.

    The main goal of data science is to uncover patterns, make predictions, and gain valuable insights that can drive decision-making and solve real-world problems. Data scientists use their expertise in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and domain knowledge to collect, process, and analyze data.

    Here are some key components of data science:

    Data Collection: Data scientists gather relevant data from various sources, including databases, APIs, websites, or even physical sensors. They ensure the data is clean, complete, and representative of the problem at hand.

    Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Raw data often contains errors, missing values, or inconsistencies. Data scientists clean and preprocess the data by removing outliers, handling missing values, normalizing or transforming variables, and ensuring data quality.

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): EDA involves visualizing and summarizing the data to gain a better understanding of its characteristics. Data scientists use statistical techniques and data visualization tools to identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies in the data.

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  32. CorporateAirlinesOffices offers comprehensive details about Frontier Airlines McCarran Airport office Las Vegas, NV, USA. We provide essential information, including the office’s address, contact details, operating hours, and the range of services available at Frontier Airlines’ McCarran Airport office. Whether travelers need ticket reservations, travel assistance, or general inquiries, CorporateAirlinesOffices serves as a centralized hub for individuals engaging with Frontier Airlines in Las Vegas. By providing precise and accessible information, CorporateAirlinesOffices facilitates easy access to pertinent details, aiding travelers in their interactions with the airline’s office for a seamless and convenient travel experience.

  33. Data Science is a multidisciplinary field that combines various techniques and methods to extract knowledge and insights from data. It involves the application of statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and computational tools to analyze and interpret complex data sets.

    The main goal of data science is to uncover patterns, make predictions, and gain valuable insights that can drive decision-making and solve real-world problems. Data scientists use their expertise in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and domain knowledge to collect, process, and analyze data.

    Here are some key components of data science:

    Data Collection: Data scientists gather relevant data from various sources, including databases, APIs, websites, or even physical sensors. They ensure the data is clean, complete, and representative of the problem at hand.

    Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Raw data often contains errors, missing values, or inconsistencies. Data scientists clean and preprocess the data by removing outliers, handling missing values, normalizing or transforming variables, and ensuring data quality.

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): EDA involves visualizing and summarizing the data to gain a better understanding of its characteristics. Data scientists use statistical techniques and data visualization tools to identify patterns, correlations, and anomalies in the data.

    Feature Engineering: Feature engineering involves selecting, transforming, or creating new features (variables) from the existing data to improve the performance of machine learning models. It requires domain knowledge and creativity to extract meaningful information from the data.

  34. A CTET national-level test is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). CTET exam is held to check students’ eligibility for the post of teacher in Central Government Schools such as KVS, NVS, and others. To prepare well for the entrance exam, students can solve the CTET Mock Test 2023 as it involves various kinds of questions. CTET Mock Test 2023

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    Here are some key components and features of Power BI:

    Data Connectivity: Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, on-premises and cloud-based databases (like SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and others), online services (such as SharePoint, Dynamics 365, and Salesforce), and many more.

  47. Data Connectivity: Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, on-premises and cloud-based databases (like SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and others), online services (such as SharePoint, Dynamics 365, and Salesforce), and many more.

    Data Transformation and Modeling: Once connected to a data source, Power BI allows users to transform and shape the data using a powerful query editor. Users can clean, filter, and transform data to suit their analytical needs. Power BI also supports data modeling, allowing users to create relationships between different tables and define measures and calculated columns.

    Visualization: One of the strengths of Power BI is its ability to create compelling visualizations. Users can create a variety of charts, graphs, maps, and other visual elements to represent data. The platform offers a range of visualization options to help users tell a story with their data.

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    They don’t make use of a toothbrush with too-hard bristles. Plaque and food stay with dentures similarly they stay with all-natural teeth. Oral plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that bases on dentures and teeth after consuming. Regardless of what your preferred technique for cleansing between your teeth is, there are some handy ideas to ensure you’re doing it appropriately.

    The microorganisms in plaque can wreak havoc on your teeth, triggering your enamel to deteriorate. It’s additionally vital that infants and young kids exercise great oral hygiene, beginning at the earliest sign of a tooth peeking over the periodontal line. Download these ideas on dental health for older adults and caretakers from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Study. Likewise, call your dental professional as soon as an oral illness arises. Taking care of your dental health and wellness is a financial investment in your overall wellness. Did you know that your oral health supplies ideas concerning your general wellness– or that troubles in your mouth can impact the rest of your body?

    The top side of the tooth may be sealed with a soft, momentary product. Once the tooth is filled with an irreversible material, a final crown might be positioned on top. As soon as the dental practitioner is certain that the entire tooth has been cleared out, the tooth is dried with little absorbent paper points. When totally dry, the dental expert will put a material (called “gutta percha”) into the tooth. Gutta percha is a rubber product developed to secure the within the tooth.

    A biological dentist might supply a various point of view on your treatment– and assist you find the answers you need. A holistic dentist could work to broaden your taste buds with special tools or a nutrient-rich diet regimen instead of instantly pulling teeth. Ozone therapy as a kind of “supercharged oxygen” that has a variety of body immune system and anti-inflammatory advantages. Our site solutions, content, and items are for informative functions only. Healthline Media does not give medical suggestions, medical diagnosis, or treatment. Research has actually shown that amalgam or mercury fillings are risk-free, and they are approved by the Food & Medication Management and backed by the American Dental Association.

    This removes plaque and leftover food that a tooth brush can not get to. Use fluoride tooth paste to safeguard your teeth from degeneration. If you are at a higher risk for dental caries, you may need much more fluoride. Your dental professional or oral hygienist may provide you a fluoride therapy throughout an office go to or might tell you to utilize a fluoride gel or mouth rinse at home. Visit your dental expert at the very least as soon as every 6 months. To maintain healthy teeth and gum tissues, it is very important to have routine examinations and specialist cleansings.
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    Whenever you comb your teeth, don’t forget to clean your tongue. Or, you can purchase a tongue scrape in the dental health aisle. Dental wellness is likewise connected to whole-body health. Maintaining your teeth and gum tissues healthy and balanced is a vital part of durable general wellness. Basically, the purpose of a great oral health routine is to stop the buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth.

    Besides a boost to the economic situation, a highly savvy populace and top notch ICT framework makes embracing brand-new technologies quicker and easier in a medical setting. At The Ruscio Institute for Functional Medication we typically discuss the intestine microbiome and its influence on wellness. Read on to learn just how the microscopic organisms in your mouth are very important for your oral and general health and wellness. Mothers with metal amalgams can have greater mercury in their cord blood and breast milk and their infants can have mercury in their kidneys and brains. Improving dental health and wellness involves improving the dental microbiome with devices like diet regimen and probiotics. Sedation dental care can assist keep you comfortable throughout your dental treatment.
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    Holistic dental practitioners are simply general dentists who use holistic strategies during their medical diagnosis and treatment preparation. Nevertheless, there are many distinctions in the procedures, materials, and treatment choices. The picked instances feature first experiments of the local and local federal governments to improve the abilities and skills of local QH stakeholders to act according to the QH technology version. Both tasks were the initial of their kind for the governments and served to produce basis for the QH technology model used in the regions today. The case study jobs were not straight pertaining to regional RIS3 procedure yet have actually added to the formulation of the existing RIS3 methods in regards to stakeholder engagement and partnership in the regions.

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    Right here’s a step-by-step guide to what you can expect when you adopt a dental filling. An additional concern to look out for is an allergy to the tooth filling. Speak with your dental expert concerning any kind of allergies before obtaining dental fillings. Negative aspects– Gold dental fillings are one of the most pricey dental fillings on the market. They can additionally be affected by heat and cold, triggering tooth sensitivity.
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    Additionally, it may avoid more dental cavity from deteriorating your tooth. Ceramic dental fillings, which include a kind of porcelain, additionally have a tendency to be pretty lasting, with an expected life expectancy of as much as 15 years. However they’re not extremely typically used, tend to be extremely costly, and additionally need a two-visit procedure.

    In the days leading up to their appointment, checking out books concerning going to the dental expert will show your child that mosting likely to the dental expert is something every person does– even Elmo– and why it is necessary to care for their teeth. You can discover a lot of youngsters’s publications on the subject at your neighborhood public library. 8. Equip households and enhance their abilities and possibilities to ensure their children’s dental health and wellness. 3. Be liable for kids’s dental health outcomes and for resources devoted to dental wellness programs to guarantee that efforts are most efficient and rewarding. Aitken JC, Wilson S, Coury D, Moursi AM. The impact of songs distraction on discomfort, anxiety and actions in pediatric oral clients. Brill WA. The result of restorative therapy on youngsters’s habits at the initial recall browse through in a personal pediatric oral technique.
    From tooth cavity prevention to fluoride therapies, pediatric dentistry supplies customized care to support healthy dental growth. Then they need to participate in a specialty dental educational program that concentrates on pediatric dental training. These two-year programs comply with American Dental Organization guidelines and consist of training and training course operate in locations such as kid psychology and youngster dental injury.

    Dental cavity is triggered by different elements, such as microorganisms in the mouth as well as anybody unclean their teeth effectively. While we can absolutely assist with dental cavity most of the times, you also intend to uncover exactly how to stop tooth decay from dispersing. This can assist to reduce the possibility of future problems for your child in the future. A tooth cavity is a hole in a tooth that develops from tooth decay. Cavities create when acids in your mouth use down your tooth’s hard external layer. Appropriate oral hygiene and also regular oral cleansings can prevent cavities.
    Medical Information Today has stringent sourcing guidelines and also attracts just from peer-reviewed research studies, scholastic research study institutions, as well as clinical journals and organizations. You can learn more concerning just how we ensure our web content is precise and also present by reading our content plan. Dental cavity can differ in severity, and a variety of ideal therapies are available. Dental caries is an extensive condition, with 9 out of 10 grownups over the age of 20 having some degree of dental caries.

    According to Moms and dads publication, a child may see the dental expert at the very least 10 times before they reach kindergarten, making these appointments not only important however likewise a constant part of their young lives.

    That’s because, with time, your protective layer of tooth enamel can use down, exposing the inner part of your tooth called dentine. Constructed of dentin, enamel can wear down progressively due to dental caries, gum tissue economic downturn, and various other variables. Healthy teeth have this protective tooth layer naturally. However as dentin loses its stamina, the tooth surface deteriorates.

    Taani DQ, El-Qaderi SS, Abu Alhaija ES. Dental anxiousness in youngsters and its partnership to tooth decays and gingival condition. Mittal R, Sharma M. Assessment of emotional effects of oral treatment on children. Nurturing proper oral health during childhood years can add to total wellness, reducing the chances of establishing systemic problems like diabetic issues, cardiovascular disease, and breathing infections. Alleviating oral pain and pain adds to a kid’s overall wellness by enhancing their ability to eat, sleep, focus, and engage in everyday activities without dental-related hindrances. Pediatric oral training needs years of education and professional experience.
    Supporting Healthy And Balanced Development And Development Of Teeth And Jaws
    Details in written type ought to be evaluated with the individual looking after the kid and offered to he or she together with the notification of the set up visit. This details ought to consist of a 24-hour get in touch with number for the practitioner. 6. Fix public programs when they fail to fulfill their goals by ensuring enough sources, management, and responsibility. 1. Start early in youngsters’s lives and involve all who are available in call with little ones and their households. • Most of the research in this area has been performed in youngsters, for both key and long-term teeth.
    Decay, which causes pain, additionally can affect rest, speaking patterns, and nutritional consumption, all of which can lead to adverse results. It prevails for youngsters to skip routine oral appointments and preventative cleanings. More than 30% of parents state their youngster missed out on school as a result of oral wellness issues. 7. Grow an adequate labor force of health and wellness experts, childcare employees, nutritionists, behaviorists, and others who can promote children’s dental health and wellness and well-being. This layout allows for reliable movement, simple supervision, and access for patients of all ages.

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