Lexia Core5 is a research-based reading program. It is aligned with the Common Core State Standards and covers the six areas of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, structural analysis, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). Plus, it provides data on individual students and “assessment without testing.”
Students Using School iPads
- Students must download Lexia Core5 from Self Service
- Students will log into Lexia using Clever.
- The Lexia app must stay on students’ iPads, but they never need to open it.
- Lexia is always accessed through Clever.
Students Using a Home Device
- For mobile devices, download the Lexia Core5 (elementary) or PowerUp (middle school) app
- Visit https://clever.com/in/bls
- Click Log in with Active Directory
- Username and password are provided by teacher/school
- In the Clever portal, click on Lexia Core5 or PowerUp
- If prompted, grant permission to open the app
- Sometimes it takes a minute for the password to transfer over, so don’t click too quickly in the Lexia window that asks for a username and password. This window should go away when using Clever.
- Video for Clever login on a home computer
- Video for Clever login on a home computer-Spanish
- Click here for a sample parent letter. You should be able to highlight, copy and paste text in order to modify for your particular needs.
Students Should Work Independently
When students log into Core5 for the first time, the program will have them complete an auto-placement, to ensure that the instruction they get is targeted to each child’s unique instructional needs.
Please reinforce to families, that when their child is on one of these systems, they may repeat the directions, but parents should not help or give answers! With help, students may move through the lessons more quickly than they are ready. A unique and wonderful component of Lexia Core5 or Power Up happens when a child makes a mistake. When a mistake is made, the program will deliver the corrective feedback that the child needs and will adjust the instruction and re-teach skills that the child has not mastered yet.
Research suggests that 15 minutes of program use a day is ideal, as a starting point. When a child has gone through the auto-placement, the program may adjust the recommended usage, based on the goal for that child. Try no to worry too much about TIME. Consider students setting their own goals around units gained rather than time in-program. A unit should take about 5-7 minutes to complete.
All students in Bend-La Pine should have accounts in Lexia.
All elementary certified staff, SPED teachers, and secondary staff who teach sections of language arts, life skills and interventions should also have accounts. Staff can access their accounts by logging into Clever, then clicking on “myLexia”. myLexia is where staff do all of their work in these programs. You will not be able to login to the Core5 applications themselves. In “myLexia” you should see the class and/or school data that is pertinent to your position. If your account doesn’t work, or if you need a different level of access, please use the form at the bottom of this section.
Classes and Groups
All homeroom classes for elementary schools have been added. If you are using Lexia with your homeroom class you do not need to create another class. We also do not recommend that classroom teachers create smaller classes or groups within My Lexia. Groups can be created for “Walk to Read” if schools are supporting students remotely with these structures.
If specialists need to create small groups they can do this in the My Lexia system by clicking “manage” then “classes” then the “+” button at the bottom of the screen. Student data lives within each student account, so adding them to other classes or groups will only impact the way that they are grouped for viewing progress.
Professional Development
Lexia has many resources available to help both staff and parents better understand the program. For staff, once you are logged into the program click on “Resources”. Here you can find information on many aspects of Core 5 including lesson guides and on-demand training videos. For more in-depth courses click on “Lexia Academy” in the top right of the blue menu bar. You will need to click on the “Lexia Academy” logo again on the “No Enrollments in Progress” page. This will take you to a series of short courses available for staff.
More resources, including family guides, can be found on the public-facing Lexia Learning Webpage.