Quizalize – A Fun and Exciting Way to Quiz

Quizalize is a new team game similar to Kahoot with a few different features. In Quizalize, students are randomly put into 2 teams. The names of students on teams are projected during the quiz so that everyone can see which team is ahead. Quiz questions can be in the form of multiple choice, scramble, true/false, or yes/no answers. Pictures can be added into the questions, as well. Scores are team based.

Teachers can see which students need help and what questions they struggled with.

The quizzes are easy to create and share with your students, or you can grab one made by another teacher. Quizalize is created and played through a web browser, such as Safari.

Here’s a video to help you get started:


About Christie Boen

I have worked with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2007. I am an Instructional Technology Coach and District Librarian.