Oregon Battle of the Books (OBOB) is a great program that most of our schools participate in. Students in grades 3-12 form teams and avidly read a set of books in their division. They then compete against other teams within their own school. The winning team goes on to compete regionally and then the winner of each region goes on to compete in the state battles. Right now many of your students are reading voraciously to prepare for the upcoming battles.
It may seem weird to think about titles for 2019 when this year’s battles haven’t even started, but it’s quite a process of determining which titles will be used for each division. Here is your opportunity as an educator or parent to weigh in on the nominated titles. This is a great time to voice your support or concern over the suggested titles. It only takes a few minutes.
- Click on the links below
- Fill out the form (You’ll see the titles when you click on the drop-down arrow)
- Submit the form
- Fill out the form for each title you support or have concern over.