Anna Rosling Rönnlund, at Gapminder, created a website called, Dollar Street where family homes have been photographed around the world in 50 countries. These homes have been categorized on a street continuum from poor on the far left to rich on the far right, making it super easy to compare homes based on income.
What fascinated me was when she asked students in Sweden, where they think they fall on this type of continuum and they pointed to the middle, when in actuality they fell more to the far right. I think many of us and our students here in the US would do the same. This site is a great place to see how others live around the world. It could lead to great discussions and inferences as to how income impacts and affects how we live.
If you have a few extra minutes, take the opportunity to watch her Ted Talk. It will give you some ideas on how to use the site. Be sure to click on different families, read their stories and then look at the pictures of their house and belongings.