Definitely, do not judge this post by the title. is interactive, (it can be) collaborative, and FUN! The site has long been around as an online dictionary and thesaurus. Basic uses that quite frankly, most teachers would not consider to be transformative tools in a digitally enhanced classroom. That is why I was quite surprised last week when I participated in my first “vocabulary jam”. A vocabulary jam is similar to activities like kahoot or quizletlive in which students are placed on random teams to communicate and compete with other players as they learn new terms and content. The teacher creates a session by uploading ANY document up to 100 pages long into the website. The site will then extrapolate all of the academic language from the document and place it into the game. The students themselves are directed to a unique site to play the game. No account information is necessary. From there, the game is on! The vocabulary is presented in a variety of ways, (sentences, graphics, definitions, and others) It is super fun and easy to use. There are some other fun free tools available on the site. So, after you try a vocabulary jam, be sure to see what else you can do with