Gimkit-Classroom Assessment With an Edge!

Wait! Don’t turn those iPads in for the year before you give Gimkit a try! Gimkit is similar to Kahoot or Quizlet Live but with some distinctive options that make it crazy fun for students. As the kids answer questions, they are rewarded with points that can be used as cash to “level up”. They can freeze other players, buy insurance to protect themselves, and add various other powers to support their chosen strategy. All the while, they are reviewing relevant terminology from your class. The games can be timed, based on points, or team performance, so students are rarely idle or not engaged. Best of all, you don’t have to start activities from scratch! Gimkit allows you to grab your study sets from any previously made Quizlet account. Thank you, Jason Colquhoun, from Summit for sharing this super fun web tool with all of us.

About Scott McDonald

Instructional Technology Coach for the Bend-La Pine School District.