I don’t remember who introduced me to Novel Effect, but I love it and think that you will, too – especially if you read picture books to kids! Novel Effect is an app that enhances the reading experience. Here’s how it works:
- Look through the app to find a particular book that you want to read.
- Find the actual physical or digital book.
- Tap on the play button in the app.
- Start reading the story.
While you’re reading, the app will play music and sound effects that go along with what you’re reading. When you pause, it will pause. Once you resume reading, it will pick up with you. If you skip a page, it will recognize that and keep up with you. It’s so much fun and really adds to the story. Kids love it. So far, we only have the app in Self Service for staff, however the makers of the app have told me that they are actively working on a classroom edition for students.
Some ideas of how you can use Novel Effect:
- The obvious one – Read aloud a book and use Novel Effect on your iPad to enhance the story.
- Find the book in Sora on your laptop and project it on the screen. Read it aloud while your iPad has Novel Effect open. You can have your iPad hooked up to speakers via Bluetooth so students can better hear the sound.
- Have a student read the story aloud while Novel Effect is open and playing along.
This app is great for use in the classroom, the library, and at home. Have fun reading!