Signing in with Your BLS Apple ID (and backing up Apps!)

There are MANY reasons students should be signed into iCloud on their iPads with their BLS Apple ID. Here are just a few:

  • Backing up data on their iPad. By using the 200 GB of storage, students can back up photos, videos, files (Notability), and the entire set up of their iPad. If students were to lose or break their iPad, iCloud back up will allow them to get a new device, sign into iCloud and everything that was backed up will show on the new iPad.
  • Students can store projects in Pages, Keynote, iMovie, GarageBand, and Numbers in iCloud and save space on their iPads. Plus, this allows them to access those same files on other Apple devices if they sign into iCloud with their BLS Apple ID.

This post is timely because iOS 14 will soon be available for download on student devices. It is a good idea for students to back up their documents in Pages, iMovie, Keynote, Notability, and other apps before running the update…just in case something fails during the update. By signing into iCloud with their BLS Apple ID, backing up important data is a snap!

Check out these links for how to sign in with a BLS Apple ID and backing up data: