Literacy Happenings
Foundational Skills Adoption Update:
A member of the foundational skills adoption committee will be presenting this information to your staff in the next couple of weeks.
You will also be receiving this brochure that outlines the findings of our staff/community/student interviews.
3rd-5th teachers- here is a great article supporting the work we (you as teachers and us as coaches) have been doing with multisyllabic word study in the upper grades. It also highlights the importance of supporting this work with materials and instructional routines for foundational skills instruction in 3rd through 5th grades moving forward!
Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being
Are you interested in giving Harmony SEL a try in your classroom, but missed the first training?
- Strong Start Resources Padlet for Teachers
- Quicklinks by Grade from Jenny White
- Harmony Game Room App available in self-service for students
Harmony Kits have arrived and we are sending them out this week to those who ordered them. If you are a K-5 teacher and did not order Harmony SEL kits, we have extras. Use the request link here (Harmony SEL Kit Request Form) if you are interested in receiving kits or connection cards (descriptions can be found on the request form), or contact Anne Stephens.
Supporting English Learners
Try the 3,2,1 strategy, it’s a quick way for students to stop and gather their thoughts about what they’re learning and for you to collect some information about what is “sticking.” Pause instruction and have students make note of (or do verbally with a partner): 3 things I learned (or know), 2 things I already knew (or was reminded of) , and 1 thing I wonder about. Have students compare notes with a partner for some added speaking practice. Feel free to adjust the prompts as appropriate for the task at hand. While this is a good strategy for all students, your emergent bilingual students will especially benefit from the extra time to process what they are learning and develop metacognition about their learning.
Inclusive Practices Spotlight
What are ways that students can be authentically included in your classroom? Check out the suggestions linked here!
WHY is inclusion important? (from the research)
- Inclusive practices result in better academic, social and emotional outcomes.
- Students have higher achievement of reading and math standardized scores when they are more engaged in the general education curriculum
- Student attendance improves when they are educated in inclusive settings
- Students with disabilities who are educated in inclusive settings have improved work habits, enhanced self-confidence, increased willingness to take risks, and more on task behavior.
(Cole et al., 2004; Cosier et al., 2013; Kurth & Mastergeorge, 2010; Sermier Sessemontet et al., 2012; Rea, Mclaughlin, & Walther-Thomas, 2002; Dore, Dion, Wagner, & Brunet, 2002; Foreman, Arthur-Kelly, Pascoe, & King, 2004; Waldron, McLeskey, & Pacchiano, 1999).
Educators are working harder than ever to foster social and emotional skills in their classrooms. Seesaw has built a library of SEL lessons for K-2 classrooms. Educators can use them right away – they’re ready-to-assign in Seesaw. You can learn more in this 1-minute video. Access these SEL lessons in Seesaw’s Activity Library, in the Seesaw Lessons tab: