September 14th Update

Elk Meadow – Kindergarten

Committee Opportunities

Math Curriculum Review Team application. We are beginning the review process of our math curriculum. This will be a two year commitment of after school meetings and possibly school day meetings. Reach out to Julie Walker and Kerry Morton if you have any questions. The deadline to submit an application is September 23rd.

Literacy Language Arts Review Team application: We are looking for folks interested in being on our language arts adoption team. This will include materials for language arts (language, comprehension, vocabulary, knowledge building) and writing. This is a one year commitment of after school meetings and you will be paid curriculum rate for those hours. Reach out to Julie Walker if you have any questions. Deadline to submit is September 23rd.

Report Card Review Small Group- Are you interested in reviewing and giving input on this year’s report card?  The plan is to only make small changes this year to Language Arts and SEL and then to bring a larger group together later in the year to make some larger changes to the Language Arts section of the report card.  I am looking for 1 person per grade level to meet on September 22nd from 3:00-4:30 to give input.  Please contact Julie Walker if you are interested.  

New-ish Hire Opportunities

Are you in your 2nd year of working for Bend-LaPine Schools, beginning or experienced educator? If so, you are invited to participate in a required 3 half-day seminar designed just for you! Learn more here. Register on Performance Matters. Reach out to Kerry Morton with questions.

Math Happenings

Are you wondering where to get those great Habits of Mind and Interaction Reflection posters?  You can find them on this website on the math tab! Reach out to your coach or Kerry Morton to discuss how best to engage your students.

3rd grade teachers! You need to manually update the learning environment in DreamBox for students who need to transition from the K-2 environment to the 3-5 environment. This Support Article has step by-step-step instructions. Reach out to Kerry Morton, Robbie Faith, or your Instructional Coach if you need support.

DreamBox New Features! There are some great new features that you will notice this year, especially around Predictive Insights! Learn more here.

Literacy Happenings

Access to all 3 programs – If you are waiting for access to your personal accounts for Really Great Reading, here are links to all three you can use for now. They are identical to what your personal accounts will look like.

Really Great Reading office hours 

Nick Goodman from Really Great Reading will be available to answer any questions you or your team have regarding foundational skills instruction. Stop in anytime during the following blocks of time.

September 21st 

October 12th 

Anyone need Wonders reading or Units of Study writing curriculum? We have the following available, please contact your site’s instructional coach if you would like any of this shipped to you:

  • 1st grade shared read texts and anthologies (lots)
  • Wonders TEs from each grade level (not full sets for all grade levels)  
  • Random writing units from Units of Study (not full sets)

Let Lindsley Gehrig, Julie Walker, or your Instructional Coach know what you are needing and we can check to see what we have!

HD word workbook pages: For folks patiently awaiting the arrival of their HD word student workbooks, here is a digital copy. Let your instructional coach know if you would like them to print shop some of the pages for you.

Reading Playgrounds Assessment in Really Great Reading – Check out the introductory videos for Reading Playgrounds in your RGR online tools: Supplementary resources > videos and animations > getting started guides

Supporting Multi-Lingual Learners

How are your emergent bilingual students adjusting to the new school year?  If you have questions regarding their English proficiency levels or things you can do to help them feel more comfortable or feel more included, please reach out to your school language specialist (ELL Teacher) for ideas.  You may even want to invite them in to observe the student and get to know them better prior to ELL groups starting next week.

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

BLS has partnered with Care Solace to help serve our students, families and staff members. Care Solace secures mental health and substance abuse appointments in a fast time frame, care companions speak 200+ languages, match clients to culturally and gender appropriate care, and are available either anonymously via a weblink or through a warm handoff by school staff. 

Classroom 180 Book Study – Join fellow educators in this supported book study to learn the 5 domains and supporting indicators of the Classroom 180 Framework. Learn how you can create a more trauma-informed classroom to meet the needs of our students. Book Study in Collaboration with the Bend-LaPine Student Success and Culture of Care Coaches. Join Virtually:  9/22 4:30-6:30 & 11/17 4:30-6:30. Coursework completed on your own via Canvas with optional Office Hours. Optional: 1 OSU Credit. 


iReady on ipads – i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment is in place as a replacement for SAT-10, which was used as an academic assessment as part of the TAG eligibility process.  iReady is not available for daily and/or entire classroom use. Reach out to your TAG coordinator with questions or concerns.

The instructional technology team is here to support teachers in the use of digital tools to create different forms of teaching and learning with the help of technology. As you start navigating all the technology resources available to you, please feel free to reach out to any instructional technology coaches with questions or requests for classroom support. Also, check out the BLS Educational Technology site for more information.

How to set-up Apple Classroom – Apple Classroom is a great tool for teachers of all grade levels. When using Apple Classroom, teachers can monitor student iPads at school. Teachers can also launch a specific app or website, see which apps students are using, lock student iPads, and more!

Below are some resources that may be useful as the school year begins.

PE Minutes

Looking for some fun ways for PE minutes in your classroom. There will be resources in each TLC Update you can use.

PE Minutes Information 

  • Motion Emotion: K – 2 Create 5-10 sentences containing the expression of an emotion. i.e. Getting ice cream made me happy.  Have the students act out each sentence using their entire body to demonstrate the sentence.
  • Create a Buddy Handshake: K – 5. Each student creates a handshake with the person that they are sitting next to.  Share with two other partnerships your handshake with your buddy.
  • Walk or Run around your field: This is a great opportunity for students to connect while being active.  Some teachers are using this first thing in the morning or at the end of the day.