September 25th Update

Inclusive Social Sciences Training

ODE is providing a two-day, highly interactive training to learn about the new, inclusive social science lessons for students in grades K-5. This training is October 24th-25th and is free of charge. Additional details, including RSVP directions, can be found on the flyer below.

New Report Card – Feedback Requested

Please check out the draft forms of the report cards. To create these we used Bend LaPine’s critical areas of focus, Oregon state standards, and Expeditionary Learning assessments. Our team would love your feedback. Please check out the report card changes here and fill out this quick survey by the end of the day on September 30th.

Literacy Happenings

Morphology Curriculum Available (very soon)
As you and your grade level begin diving into walk-to-skill ideas, there is a supplemental morphology curriculum that can be purchased for your grade level. This is a one-book (not huge), supplemental curriculum and is not required. 

Expeditionary Learning will be teaching morphology in core instruction (equal access for all students). This supplemental curriculum gives you opportunities to dive deeper with your students at/above grade level during walk-to-skill (extension, TAG students …). 

Please reach out to your instructional coach if you are interested in ordering and playing with this curriculum (TBD in the next week). You can also reach out to Lindsley Gehrig with any questions as well.

5th Human Rights module considerations
Our amazing LEED coaches reviewed the Human Rights module and recommended these considerations to support you and your students in these important conversations. Please feel free to reach out to the LEED coaches (Laura Swales, Brayan Gonzalez Celestino, George Perez, and Ami Zepnewski) or your instructional coaches as thinking partners!

Data, IL, Forefront- Oh My!
Forefront has been investigated as an option for entering data for EL for report cards. This is a great option, but going to pause any new systems being introduced right now. The reasoning is to encourage teachers to continue focusing on instruction and also potential platform alignment to new math curriculum next year. As the year progresses, if we decide to ‘beta’ test Forefront with EL, we will be in contact for folks who would like to try. 

Watch for the next TLC blog- 

  • Sample Google Docs for grade levels to enter pencil/paper assessments
  • Looking into a zoom tutorial from IL for those wanting additional support on entering assessments manually (including me)

Math Happenings

DreamBox Math
NEW! Voice choice adds even more personalization to the student experience. Watch this video demonstration to see how students can access and experience this new setting. Be sure to let us know how they like it!

NEW! Reporting enhancements are here. Districts can use the new ‘Schools’ filter in the Student Usage and Growth reports to get a more granular view of high-level progress-monitoring data.

Batch print the student-level Growth Report to share monthly progress with students and their families to communicate student achievements and share areas for improvement – fostering transparency and collaboration. 

Best Practices for Assignments: Short-term Assignments are great for introducing topics to students and providing practice. Why?

  • With 1-2 lessons aligned to a particular topic,educators can set long- term assignments in duration of 2-10 weeks to target specific student needs.
  • Personalized lessons are available until the student reaches proficiency or the assignment period ends.

Note that students will see a small blue icon on the assigned lessons in their lesson chooser. Learn more about Assignment Supports here

Supporting English Learners

SIOP+ Fall 2024 – Last Call
Last call for SIOP+ Fall 2024! Sign-ups close on Friday, September 27th.  Applicants will be notified on Monday, September 30th, if they are a part of the 20 teacher spaces available.  Once notified, you will be instructed on how to set up your first sub request for this training.

SIOP is a research-based instructional model that has been shown to boost content area learning for students who are acquiring English. In this training, you will spend quality time with colleagues building your knowledge and experience with strategies and best practices that support comprehension, language use and practice, and student engagement. Additionally,  sheltered instruction is effective with ALL students, not just English language learners, and especially for students coming from high poverty backgrounds.

You have the option to earn 3 graduate credits from OSU Cascades, or take the course for advanced professional development units.If interested, download the flyer, or click here to register. (Link is on the flyer, as well)

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Waypoints Information
Are you curious about Waypoints in your Wayfinder dashboard? Waypoints is the optional initial summative assessment for students in Wayfinder and can be accessed from September 15th through November 15th. Summative Waypoints allow teachers to measure student growth of Wayfinder’s six Core Skills across the school year. WIth these data, teachers can understand areas of strength and growth for individual students and the class to make informed, data-driven decisions about instruction. Here is the info on Waypoints, including the new Waypoints Implementation Guides to help teachers set up the reason we are assessing students as well as instructions.  The final summative assessment for students will be open May 12th through June 13th for students.  

K-2 Implementation Guide
3-5 Implementation Guide

Movement Moments

Would you Rather Back to School 
Would you Rather Back to School #2
Animal Freeze Dance

Technology in the Classroom

MagicSchool AI
MagicSchool has over 70 tools designed to help you save time. Provide sentence starters, create vocabulary lists for read-aloud books, or use the text leveler to adapt to any reading level. If you are interested, you can also open student rooms to provide your class with guided, structured activities. For example, create a character chatroom where your students can “talk” to the main character from any book. Reach out to Robbie Faith or Tracy Howk if you are interested in learning more about these features. You can log-in to your MagicSchool account via Clever.

Classroom Resources
The instructional technology team has several resources available for your classroom. You can learn more about each of these resources here. Interested in reserving? Here are all the links!

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