Getting Started with all these iPads in your classroom

I may come back and clean this up….but here is a bit of a “brain dump” of things I have seen working well in our classrooms using ipads.  If something does not make sense shoot one of us an email and we are happy to help.

Apples up!   Check your wifi.  Airplane mode gets you on the closest access point.

Ipad goes in small pocket of your backpack and nothing else!

Set an recurring alarm in the clock app to remind students to put the ipad in their backpack every morning at 7:30 am.  (very effective)

Set a recurring alarm on Sunday and Wednesday evenings to charge the ipad

Make a safe place on the playground for backpacks….and DONT throw your backpack anymore!

Decorate your case as a class project.   Make a selfy for your start up screen in case you misplace your ipad at school.

Make a screen shot of your schedule at middle and high school and make that your wallpaper.

Choose a day of the month that everyone updates their iOS and apps

Change your teacher desk ( and teaching position) to the back of the room often  so that you can see screens

Establish clear expectations and seek the help of administration for students struggling to use an ipad as an academic device.  Check out our digital conversion ebis model.

Create a “techspert” in every class.  Have them try to resolve basic issues

At home:

LEAVE YOUR CHARGER AT HOME!   Write your name on your charger (and cord)

VPN is for home use only.  VPN disconnects at home every time the screen turns black

More soon!

About Scott McDonald

Instructional Technology Coach for the Bend-La Pine School District.