Take a brain break with GONOODLE

At Tech Tuesday this week, Ponderosa teacher Kristen Shaw shared how much fun her kids were having with GONOODLE.   She is currently in the middle of her performance task with her 5th-grade class, and GONOODLE has been the perfect way for students to ready themselves for the assessment.  Although I initially thought I had never seen GONOODLE before, it turned out that I had filmed Pedro Nunez at Bear Creek starting his day with a dance linked within the GONOODLE website.  You can see 11 seconds of that dance below.


In fact, many elementary teachers in our district enjoy accessing the exercises and activities available in GONOODLE.  There is an entire library of activities ranging from cardio to calm breathing.   Activities for rainy day recesses, redirecting behavior, or to just plain have a little fun.  If you have not checked out GONOODLE before, watch the informational video linked here.

About Scott McDonald

Instructional Technology Coach for the Bend-La Pine School District.