Makerspaces at Juniper

Take It Apart Club at Juniper Elementary

You may have heard of the term makerspace. This is a popular movement happening in K-12 schools, universities, and public libraries. Basically, a makerspace is where students can invent, build, create, and learn. Yes, libraries have always been a place to consume information and check out books. However, they can also be places where students can learn, create and use their imagination. Juniper Elementary has 2 such spaces that are open to students on Fridays during their lunch time. One of the spaces is where students can take apart office and household items, such as a microwave, iron, toaster, computer, etc. I had the opportunity to watch excited students hustle to the library and eagerly work together to take something apart and actually discover how it was put together. These students get to wear safety glasses and use real tools, like a screwdriver (don’t worry, mom, there are no power tools involved). Their excitement is contagious! The second space is located in another area of the school where students can build and create using cardboard, tape, recyclables, etc.

These spaces don’t have to be permanently set up. For example, for the Take it Apart Club, all of the items and supplies are kept in tubs or boxes that can be put away and then taken out when ready to use. Makerspaces can take a variety of forms. Marshall High School has a knitting club in their library. La Pine High School has a Lego table. Pacific Crest Middle School has a Makerspace Monday where they create different things each week. Recently, they were putting together Snap Circuits that produced, sound, light, and motion. Our schools and libraries are doing fantastic stuff where our students are engaged in imagining, creating, and learning.

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La Pine High School Library’s Lego Table
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Marshall High School Knitting Club


About Christie Boen

I have worked with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2007. I am an Instructional Technology Coach and District Librarian.