Hour of Code Resources

December 5 marked the beginning of “Hour of Code” participation across the United States.  Even though we have several blog entries dedicated to programming and coding, I thought it would be helpful to have a short entry that lists a few of the most commonly used resources.  Here they are in no real order:

The Code.org homepage-home to tons of ready made hour long lessons that get kids programming at any grade level.

Code.org original video– this video has been viewed over 14,000,000 times on youtube.  It is a great way to get students motivated and provides a good “why” discussion for learning to code.

Apple education: swift playgrounds– We have this app in self-service.  However, it only runs on the newest iPad air devices.  Something to look forward to for schools with older devices.

Apple education-Everyone can Code:  Similar video to code.org video.  Terrific emphasis on the fact that EVERYONE can code!

Hopscotch-  Our very best app for teaching kids to program and code on the iPad.  Search hopscotch on this blog as well for other activities.

Computer Science Education Website-  See who else around the world is participating in the “Hour of Code” and what they are doing.  Many other resources are linked to this informative site.

About Scott McDonald

Instructional Technology Coach for the Bend-La Pine School District.