Apple Classroom

Apple Classroom is now available for all Bend-La Pine teaching staff.  All you need to do is download the Apple Classroom App from the App store.   Immediately upon opening the app, you will see your class preps and ALL current students enrolled in your class.  Amazing!

To make the most of Apple Classroom, students will need to have their bluetooth settings enabled.   They can quickly and easily do this from the control panel on their student iPad.  They do NOT need to load  Apple Classroom or an additional app.

Apple Classroom has nothing to do with workflow.  Instead, it is more of a digital educational assistant.  Apple classroom can:

• put students into specific apps remotely.  (including locking students into an app)

• live stream all student iPad screens to their teacher iPad to monitor student progress

• show a student device to their iPad screen  (think alternative to students joining airserver)

• lock all iPads so that the teacher can redirect the focus of the lesson

• make groups of students to be in different apps and have different roles in the classroom activity

• navigate students to a particular website or iBook resource.

It won’t take long to figure out the simple interface of Apple Classroom.  If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to your instructional technology TOSA.

***special note-  Not all student photos are available for Apple classroom at the present time.  The student headshot has NOTHING to do with the functionality of the app.

Be sure to choose the “lock app after loading” before selecting an app in order  to lock students into a specific app.


About Scott McDonald

Instructional Technology Coach for the Bend-La Pine School District.

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