Big High School Read in Sora

cover_imageOverDrive is promoting their Big Read for high school students which means that high school students and staff all have access to The Girl With The Red Balloon by Katherine Locke – all at the same time. It’s only available for 2 weeks for this simultaneous access. So you have until October 15th to read it in Sora together with your peers. (Sora is that reading app found on your iPad.) Booklist, School Library Journal, and Kirkus give The Girl With The Red Balloon high reviews.

Here’s what the publisher says about the book:

When sixteen-year-old Ellie Baum accidentally time-travels via red balloon to 1988 East Berlin, she’s caught up in a conspiracy of history and magic. She meets members of an underground guild in East Berlin who use balloons and magic to help people escape over the Wall–but even to the balloon makers, Ellie’s time-travel is a mystery. When it becomes clear that someone is using dark magic to change history, Ellie must risk everything–including her only way home–to stop the process.

You could win 30 digital copies of The Spy with The Red Balloon (book 2 in the series)!
Use #biglibraryread to share how your school is promoting Big Library Read on social media or how your students are engaging with the program for your chance to win. See official rules.

Happy Reading!


About Christie Boen

I have worked with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2007. I am an Instructional Technology Coach and District Librarian.