Blind Kahoot!

Recently I mentioned that I went to the Integrated Portland 2019 conference which is such a great conference. You really should try to go next year. It is totally worth it! I went to a session on Formative Assessment led by Jennifer Gingerich where I learned about a Blind Kahoot. I guess people have been doing these for awhile now, but this was my first time using it in this manner. Most of the time Kahoot is used for reviewing material, to test what you know. However, the Blind Kahoot is very clever in sparking curiosity – quizzing you before you’ve been taught the material. Jennifer commented on how she likes to use the Blind Kahoot as her presentation instead of using Google Slides, Powerpoint, or Keynote. Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Create your Kahoot of questions that you want your students to learn
  2. When you play the Kahoot, make sure you choose Team Mode which gives students time to think.
  3. Turn off answer streak bonus to make the game more fair
  4. Have students play Kahoot in pairs or small groups.

After each question, have a discussion time/teaching time. Students can take notes between questions. Jennifer mentioned using this method when working with a teacher. The teacher was so impressed that all of the students were taking notes during the Kahoot as the teacher was never able to get 100% participation in note taking.

This is a great tool for teaching a new unit in your class or leading professional development with your staff. I’m trying it out next week. 🙂

About Christie Boen

I have worked with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2007. I am an Instructional Technology Coach and District Librarian.