Communication and Remote Learning: Best Practices

Limit the number of messages going out.

  • A weekly summary of class lessons, assignments, etc. is better than a daily notice.
  • Consider a calendar presentation, showing just what is expected when.

Include all needed links on messages and assignment directions.

  • YouTube is open now! But students must be logged into their BLS account to view.
  • Make sure links to documents and websites are accessible and appropriate.

Make Google Classroom assignment submissions as easy as possible.

Consider providing:
● A how-to document with screenshots of the process on an iPad.
● A screen recording from an iPad to show the process.


  • Include the link to the district’s Continuation of Learning page on your correspondence to parents.
  • Provide regular drop-in WebEx sessions for parents and/or students who just want to connect.
  • Keep messages positive; communicate your willingness to be flexible and “available” for students and parents.
  • Take care of yourself. Don’t get discouraged or frustrated by discouraged or frustrated parents who also have a ton on their plates!

About Christie McCormick

Christie is a transplanted English teacher, now working with the Bend-La Pine Online Team. She enjoys helping teachers develop solutions to all kinds of classroom problems, using the best digital tools.