All students in Bend-La Pine have access to YouTube but with various limitations. Students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade have the most strict access settings that are available while students in grades 9-12 are able to get to all content.
As of October 26th, 2020, teachers of students in grades K-8 will have the ability to individually approve YouTube videos. This will allow these teachers and students to more predictably access educational content that might live outside of this strict setting. This is not necessary for staff or for 9-12th grade teachers who can already access any content needed.
With this power comes a great responsibility. The approving teacher’s name will be associated with videos that they approve, and these videos will be visible for all students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade, not just that teacher’s students. For that reason, teachers need to be careful to NOT approve a video unless it directly supports instruction and learning goals for students.
An approval will allow the video to be viewed by ALL STUDENTS in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. In order for the approval tool to remain available we all have to use it sparingly and responsibly. Below is a summary of do’s and don’ts regarding the YouTube approval tool.
• Approve videos that support your instruction
• Preview the entire video
• Ask yourself “Is this video suitable for our kindergarten students?” If not, don’t approve it!
• Make sure you are logged in to YouTube with your Bend-La Pine email
- Approve videos for personal use
- Approve an entire YouTube channel. Videos that have not been previewed can be added to channels at any time.
- Let others (family, students, etc) use the approval tool
The instructions for how to approve content on YouTube are linked here. It will be important for your students to be signed in with their student email in order to see the content. Finally, please remember that your name is attached to the approval and these are reviewed periodically.
Scott –
Is there a list of where these “approved” videos are. I would love to not reinvent the wheel if teachers are finding appropriate and useable content to support our kids learning. I am tired of hearing myself talk! Whatever the content may be…reading, writing, math, mindfulness, science etc. whatever the links are it would be nice to house them somewhere to peruse….
Thank u!
Great question Alicia. There is not an archive listing all of the videos that have been approved. However, if the video has already been approved by another staff member. It will show “this video is approved by your organization.” I hope that helps.