As of November 30th, WebEx will have enhanced security features.
These system enhancements will mean that teachers can avoid unwanted guests and disruptions in their Webex meetings by having their students sign in using “attendee” accounts. The attendee account will require students to sign in to Webex using their school district email address and secret password in much the same way that a teacher must sign in when they want to host a meeting.
Only the students who sign in with attendee accounts will have the ability to directly enter a teacher’s personal room or scheduled meeting. All others, (including students who are signing in with the current method) will be required to wait in the virtual “lobby” until the teacher manually allows them to enter. Please share the following steps for setting up attendee accounts with your students. (Spanish translated instructions are at the bottom of this post)
Middle and High School
All students must do the following steps just one time to set up their attendee account. This set up should occur independently and not when trying to join a meeting in progress.
1. Launch the app “Cisco Webex Meetings”
2. Choose sign in
3. Enter school email address ([email protected])
4. Under “select the site” choose
5. Students may be asked to enter their username (firstlast) and secret password at this time
6. Webex will remember all of this information for any subsequent meetings
Although the steps are exactly the same as above, teachers might consider copying and pasting the following information when they communicate with their families. Note: Students will need access to their passwords in order to successfully set up attendee accounts.
We need your help in order to provide the best possible security for your child when they are in a classroom Webex. At some point before our next classroom Webex meeting, please help your student complete the following steps:
1. Launch the “Cisco Webex Meetings” app on the iPad
2. Choose sign in
3. Enter your child’s school email address [email protected]
(ex. [email protected])
4. Under “select the site” choose
5. Students may be asked to enter their username (firstlast without a space) and secret six-digit password that you received from your teacher.
6. Your child will only need to do this one time before they join their next scheduled Webex meeting.
Feel free to also share the video instructions linked here.
Please note that students who do not log in will still be able to access meetings, teachers will just have to let them in from their virtual “lobby”. This could be quite a chore for an entire class and is why we are encouraging you to try to get as many students logged in beforehand as possible.
Once we have most of our students signed in with the new attendee accounts, we will send some other ideas for how teachers can make the most of security and management features available for their virtual classroom meetings.
Directions in Spanish
Familias,Necesitamos su ayuda para que podamos ofrecerles la mejor seguridad posible para cuando sus hijos están en el salón de clases con WebEx. Antes de nuestra próxima reunión de clase por WebEx, por favor, ayude a su hijo/a a completar los siguientes pasos:
1. Abra la aplicación “Cisco Webex Meetings” en la tableta
2. Escoja sign in
3. Ingrese el correo electrónico escolar de su hijo/a: [email protected](p. ej. [email protected])
4. Bajo “select the site” seleccione
5. Puede que les pregunte a los estudiantes que ingresen su username (primernombreapellidos sin espacios) y la contraseña secreta de seis números que han recibido de su maestra/o
6. Solo hace falta que su hijo/a haga esto una vez antes de reunirse con su próxima clase de WebEx.