AirPlay with Monterey

Your MacBook now has AirPlay built right in; it’s perfect for fans of screen mirroring. Here’s how to get started:

  1. First, verify your laptop is updated to Monterey. Click the Apple in the uppermost left of your screen. Choose About This Mac, Software Update, and then Update Now.  
  2. Once Monterey is installed, adjust one setting to set up AirPlay. Open System Preferences, click Sharing, highlight AirPlay Receiver, select Anyone on the Same Network. That’s all there is to it. 
  3. Now, when other devices request to screen mirror, you’ll get an accept/decline option and a code for the other user to enter. This safety feature is especially nice in a classroom environment. 

Three tiny tidbits: 

  1. AirServer has been removed from Self Service now that AirPlay is built in. If you’re currently using AirServer, it’ll continue working, although we’d still suggest upgrading to Monterey. 
  2. If your learning space is equipped with an Apple TV, you can carry on screen mirroring to your ATV just the same.  
  3. Please do not use the Everyone mode. The Everyone mode is not compatible with the Bend La Pine Schools managed wireless network.

Screen mirroring is an excellent way to lead a class through setting up a new app, displaying student work, or anytime you’d like a group to see a projected screen.

As always, reach out to our instructional technology team if you’d like to learn more about new and interesting ways to use and teach technology in your classroom. 

About Tracy Howk

Hi, I'm Tracy. I've been with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2014.