Cleaning Up Photos

I was helping a fourth grader free up iPad storage when he deleted nearly 2,000 unwanted photos. He showed his buddies and they all took to purging the blurry, the duplicates, and the outdated screenshots. This is a skill our students can benefit from. 

Of course, there’s the photos we love most. Let’s get them stored securely on a cloud for safekeeping. These are our best choices…

Photos is synced with iCloud for seamless backup, but beware that deleting images and videos in Photos will also delete in iCloud
Google Drive doesn’t sync automatically, but with some work, can be a great way to save images and videos permanently

For iCloud: sign into your Managed Apple ID and your photos will automatically sync to iCloud by default.

For Google Drive: upload photos within Google Drive or reverse by sharing from Photos to Google Drive.

Now for the fun!

Organizing is half the fun! Teaching students to organize Google Drive gives them a major boost in this world of digital files. Consider creating a folder for each school year (extra points for subfolders!)
Think of iPad storage as a cardboard box: every photo, video, and app takes up space in that box. Deleting unwanted images keeps things tidy and storage available. Note: deleted photos go a recently deleted folder, which can be permanently deleted manually or automatically after 30 days.

About Tracy Howk

Hi, I'm Tracy. I've been with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2014.