Google Sites: Now Available to Students!

Students can now create beautiful websites with user-friendly, familiar Google-style tools. Think student portfolio, jazzed up student-led conferences, and a fresh alternative to Slides.

To get started on a student iPad: Open a blank Google page in Safari → tap on the 9-dot grid in upper right corner → tap Account → sign in with district credentials → tap on grid again → tap Sites. From here take a moment to view templates or start a Site from scratch. A few examples:

Sites are collaborative, just like Docs and Slides, so students can share with each other and their teachers. Student Sites can’t be published publicly, but instead remain within the safety of our BLS environment. Submitting in Canvas is as simple as dropping in a Web URL. Give it a try; students seem to be big fans already.

About Tracy Howk

Hi, I'm Tracy. I've been with Bend-La Pine Schools since 2014.