Please check your calendars – and with anyone else whom you might need to – and let me know (yes or no) whether May 19, 2020, will work for this year’s 5th grade Move Up day. Please let me know by the end of next week! __________________________________________________________
Please communicate the following reminders (from Skip) to your staff:
Over recent weeks a few incidents have occurred at different schools and classrooms that make me think that we need to review some basic but important iPad guidelines and practices. Please take some time at an upcoming staff meeting to initiate a discussion with your teachers about safe internet use and proper iPad use with their students . If everyone can work to insure that the practices below are consistently applied and communicated, our parents and community will have a positive view of how we utilize our digital devices and resources. If at any time the instructional technology department can provide advice, assistance, or coaching please don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
- Google searches – The internet is a great place but just allowing students to surf unsupervised or without an academic purpose can sometimes lead to unexpected results and consequences. Instead, have them utilize tools such as Discovery Education or World Book.
- Image searches – Searching for images should be monitored and managed closely. Just telling students to google an image should not occur. The same applies to using other search engines such as Bing. Instead, direct students to the image search page that was created by our department.
- Free Time and Rainy Day Recess – At no time should students be given “iPad Free Time” Whether it be during rainy day recess, snack time, waiting for the bus, before school, or when they finish their work, students should not have free time on the iPad. There should always be a reason for using devices so that screen time is purposeful.
- Apple Classroom – This tool allows teachers to monitor and manage student use. All teachers should know how to use this tool. If they don’t, schedule a coach to come over and conduct a staff or small group training or refresher.
- AUP and Digital Citizenship Lessons – After returning from break it would be a great time to review the AUP and the digital citizenship lessons. A mid-year refresher never hurts.
- Parent Tools – there are settings and tools that parents can use at home to manage devices. Here are two blog posts from our coaches that outline steps parents can take.
This might be a good time to remind your staff about the dangers of extension cords. (This is also something the Fire Marshall will be looking for when random, unannounced visits occur in your building… and I hear have happened at some of ours this week.) Please remind folks to unplug extension cords in the evening/weekends whenever possible.
Most of you have already participated in our district’s administrator Learning Lab that focuses on observation/evaluation and feedback conversations (centered around Lipton’s book Learning-Focused Supervision.) This year’s group of new administrators is relatively small, so in addition to their involvement in this PD opportunity, we are opening this up to any building administrator who is desiring a refresher. If you are interested (and not a new admin.), then we ask that you commit to attend each training and let Lora N. know you plan on participating by Dec. 20 so she can make next step arrangements and have an accurate book order count. __________________________________________________________
The following information is from Misty Groom, who is introducing a new “non-Level 1” form which you may be hearing more from her about soon: As we continue to update and integrate more Best Practices into STAS, I wanted to pass along this form which is for cases that Do Not meet criteria for a Level 1 Assessment. It is important that every threat is investigated but not every threat needs to have a threat assessment. This form allows the School Site Team to determine why is was not necessary to move forward with a Level 1 Assessment but documents that there was a discussion and what the outcome of the conversation was. ___________________________________________________________
Here are a few reminders regarding restraint and seclusion procedures:
1) Please print off the most recent version of the paperwork in the portal. We have received some copies dated back to 2017.
2) Please remember to complete the form in its entirety (even the small details please) The information we have on it is what’s required by ODE
3) Please observe that the required debriefing be held within 48 hours (to the best of your ability) after each restraint or seclusion. Remember, everyone involved in the incident must participate, in addition to a building administrator (even if they were not involved)
4) Please remember, if a student is in a restraint or seclusion for 30 minutes or more, the building admin must complete and sign the Admin. Approval form which is attached to the paperwork.
5) Finally, please remember to send the parent notification letter home if a staff participates in the administering of a restraint or seclusion and they are not CPI trained
Please feel free to contact Krista Baker or your building behavior coach if you have questions or need assistance with completing the forms. ___________________________________________________________
We’ll have our next Leadership meeting on Jan. 13.
Our next Horizontal will be Jan. 27 at Realms MS.