Here is the TED Talk Chris (at our Horizontal meeting earlier this week) recommended we watch – The Danger of a Single Story. I know Chris said to at least listen to the first 8 minutes or so [not having to watch the entire video]. Good luck with that. Listening to this speaker’s story certainly made me reflect on my own perceptions/biases/lens from which I view people. _______________________________________________________
Last week I mentioned the upcoming Resilience Survey. The window for completing this survey is Feb. 24 – April 3 (this is a change… it has added an additional week to the survey window). It is expected that next week you’ll receive an email regarding additional details. A few key pieces of information you’ll receive in this email is a sign-up for your school to administer this survey, as well as a parent letter to communicate prior to your administration. This week’s “to do” is more of a heads-up, with more to do after you receive the email next week.
Here is the final draft of our MS 8th Grade Celebration agreement. Please keep track of when/how you share this information with both students and families. (I don’t need this information, but if you are challenged by your decision, being able to share how you’ve communicated this is important.) ________________________________________________________
February is Black History Month – and a great opportunity for you/your staff to shine a light on a group of people who are often not discussed (outside of slavery) in terms of what they have contributed to US history. Here are some resources for you and your staff to generate ideas (or simply take and use) over the course of the next four weeks (and beyond). ________________________________________________________
From Debbie Watkins: I have received a few calls this week regarding breaks and lunches for classified staff, which made me realize it is a great time to send a reminder on our contract language regarding breaks for staff. (Article 16.5)
- If an employee is scheduled for four (4) hours but less than six (6) hours, the employee must be scheduled for one fifteen (15) minute paid break.
- Employees scheduled for six (6) hours get a fifteen (15) minute paid break and a minimum of a thirty (30) minute unpaid meal period.
- Employees scheduled for more than six (6) hours shall receive two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid breaks and a minimum of one (1) thirty (30) minute unpaid meal period.
Also, please know you cannot regularly schedule lunches or breaks at the start or end of the employee’s work hours, or combine break and lunch periods to provide for early release or longer lunch breaks. This would be considered a violation of our contract and Oregon law. You do, however, have flexibility to modify an employee’s daily schedule for an extenuating circumstance. If you have any questions about employee work schedules and ensuring you are providing the appropriate paid and unpaid breaks, please call our office. __________________________________________________________
In the coming weeks, Austin James will be reaching out (phone or email) to building principals with a question around what data needs you might currently have (or see yourself having in the future). If you have none, it will likely be a short communication exchange. If you can think of a data need, then I encourage you to invite Austin to come see you and talk further. One idea might be to take a look at your school’s data over the past few years as it relates to underserved populations (e.g. is the gap growing, shrinking or about the same between this group and your other students?). _________________________________________________________
Jackie Wilson asked me to pass along this Sustainability Tip handout from the month of January (that I’m sure is still good for February!).
Leadership meeting starts at 3:15 on Monday. Don’t want to miss this one…
The next District SIW is on Feb. 12 – which is quickly approaching. For MS, I know this involves meetings for science and social studies teachers, as well as an encouraged gathering for all counselors. Am I missing another other content areas that are meeting? Please remind these folks – if you think they need it – of their meetings.