To Do:
What about students in grades 9-11? As you know, ODE set a P/I grading requirement for the spring term for our 9-11 students. If a student earns a Pass (D- or higher in the course), they earn the P and the credit. If they do not earn a D- or higher, they earn an I and have the opportunity to continue their learning until the beginning of fall 2021-22 to earn a P.
Section 5 (which begins on p 56 of this 93-page document) of the ODE Guidelines for Distance Learning provides the direction for serving our 9-11 grade students.
Key components include:
*developing a plan by the end of September 2020 for every 9-11th grade student earning an Incomplete
*the goal of every student earning a Pass by the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, if not sooner
*teachers are key in developing and following up on plans for their students earning Incompletes
*regular attempts should be made to contact students and those attempts should be documented
*If we are unable to connect with the student after multiple documented attempts, the student earns the mark (P or I) they had prior to schools closing on March 13. ODE spells this out on p 62 of their guidance titled Safeguarding Student Opportunity Clause:
If the above efforts have been implemented and the district is unsuccessful in efforts to reach or engage the student by the end of the school year, the student shall then be awarded the mark (Pass or Incomplete) they had upon the time of school closure for that course. Schools shall provide targeted academic supports to ensure essential learning in the fall or when the student re-engages. In short, students who were earning a passing mark in the course prior to school closure should not be academically penalized. Every effort shall be made upon connection to support the student in gaining skills essential to continued education.
Thank you for your efforts to clarify this with your teachers.
CALENDAR ART CONTEST: Showcasing student artwork! This year, we are getting creative with the production of our annual Family Handbook and Calendar, which is mailed home to families before the start of each school year. For the 2020-21 calendar, we are inviting students to submit artwork and photographs to be featured. Alandra is sharing this opportunity district-wide, but we also would like to invite teachers to share this opportunity with students (elementary classroom teachers, art teachers, photography teachers, or anyone interested!).
The theme is #BLSproud. What makes you proud to be part of your school or your school district? Share a piece of artwork or a photograph that conveys that sentiment. Deadline: May 25, 2020. Students can use this link to submit artwork. Questions? Contact Alandra – [email protected]
Please share this message from Alandra with your school community: May 4-8 is Teacher Appreciation Week, a time to celebrate our classroom teachers, counselors, school nurses, and other certified staff members. Whether serving in person or remotely, we know these staff members care deeply about our students and this is a great opportunity to share our thanks!
Students and families – please share a quick video, drawing, or photo saying thanks on Bend-La Pine Schools’ fun new webpage and we will share with our community to help our educators feel celebrated and appreciated. Share your stories here
Teachers! The Education Foundation announces an Art & Writing Contest for K-12 students in BLS! This fun contest will allow our students to showcase their creativity in art and/or writing, as well as having an opportunity to win a gift card from the Education Foundation ranging in value from $25-$50 depending on grade level. Two winners per category (art or writing) per grade level will be selected for a gift card prize. This contest is completely optional for students but can be an assignment from a parent/guardian or teacher. The contest is open May 1-25, 2020. Information and instructions can be found on our website ( or by emailing us at [email protected]
BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE! Every BLS K-12 educator can email us their name and the school where you teach to enter a drawing to win $100 in classroom credit funds from the Education Foundation as well! We support you and your efforts in this intricate and evolving educational landscape facing each and every one of us. Simply email us at [email protected] with your name/school and that’s it! We will randomly draw two K-12 educator winners on May 29th!
We applaud each and every one of you, and our students, parents & guardians during this time of school closure. YOU can/do/will make a difference — we believe in YOU. Contact our office at (541) 355-5660 or email: [email protected] for any questions! Your ardent supporters – the Board of Directors for the Education Foundation for Bend-La Pine Schools

Graduation ceremony update: Thursday morning, ODE sent out the graduation ceremony guidelines for our seniors. As a result of these guidelines, we are adding an additional format to honor our seniors. This letter to families of seniors will go out today informing our parents and seniors of this additional celebration. Here is a recap of our plan:
- We will still hold the virtual graduations we are currently planning.
- Additionally, we are adding a Diploma Walk for each senior over the first two weeks of June. Schools will develop a schedule for each senior to come to their school, in their cap and gown and receive their diploma. Seniors will walk across a stage in each school’s auditorium/gym/commons, be handed their diploma by the principal, and have time for family and school staff can take pictures.
*NO drive-by diploma distribution in the parking lots or on the football fields. *School leaders may elect to use this time to collect iPads or distribute other items. This will be up to each principal to determine. - We are limiting the number of family members (guardians/significant others) a senior can invite to six.
- All ODE guidelines will need to be followed.
- We will still extend an invitation to any graduate to participate in next year’s graduation.
The business office has recently updated the conversation calculator for the 2020-21 school year. This is the tool you’ll use for converting classified hours into certified FTE, or vice-versa.
The HDESD is hosting a series on building resilient leaders. Here is the LINK if you are interested. Based on the work you have been leading, YOU could lead this series!
Concussion Study: Our district is partnering with the University of Oregon, the HDESD, and The Center on a grant that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently awarded to the Psychology Center on Brain Injury Research and Training (CBIRT) at the University of Oregon. This project was “awarded a 4-year, $2.2 million cooperative agreement to study an established Return to School program for students with traumatic brain injury. The study will compare health, academic and social outcomes of children and youth with brain injury who are served by the Central Oregon TBI (COR-TBI) team model with comparison school districts in Washington and Ohio.” Tami Pike and I are the lead contacts in the district for this project. As the logistics of this work develop and become more clear, we will be connecting with building administrators about the role of the schools (this will mostly involve communication and data assistance with your school nurse and attendance secretary) in the project. To support our continued learning about Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), information located on the HDESD website provides a wealth of information about concussions.
Here are a few notes from our Instructional Coaches: Hotspots– The mobile hotspots were delivered to families beginning late last week. Make sure your school FAN advocate has the names of any students that are still unable to connect with you due to lack of internet.
Discovery Education- All teachers and students have a subscription to this valuable resource. Discovery has made several changes to its site to accommodate remote learning. More information about these changes and tips on how to use Discovery Education can be found at this link on our Remote Learning Tools site.
Family Technology Assistance– If a student or family contacts you for technical assistance. Please refer them to the Family Tech Help Hotline at: 541 355 8700
I wanted to highlight this performance shared by Alandra on our staff spotlight. Check out The Tranby family shared this creative, heartwarming musical number, including their students from Buckingham, Pilot Butte, and Mountain View. Click here or on the photo to watch this musical moment.
Michael Hicks shared this youtube video (a little over two min) earlier this week by Ryan Holiday. I found it to be an important reminder about how sometimes the obstacle is the way. It made me think about the important work YOU are all doing to “seize the events that paralyze everyone else” and “turning what is in the way, into the way.” Thanks, Hicks! I am in awe of the way each of you has shown excellence and grace in the face of a global pandemic!
May 1 – Valedictorians and Salutatorians announced
WebEx with HS Administrators Monday, May 4, 1:00. I have sent you an invite for a HS Admin meeting every Monday until June. We may not need to meet every week, but I wanted you to save those dates/times on your calendars!
Week of May 4 – filming of virtual graduations!
May 22 – Deadline for seniors to complete grad credits to participate in June virtual graduation and diploma walk.