December 2, 2021

Happy First week of December!  Hard to believe we are almost done with 2021.  As a reminder, we will be linking the monthly Administrator Helpful Hints to the blog at the beginning of each month, so that something doesn’t sneak up on you and catch you off guard. Here is the link  where you can find things to check off your list for the month of December. Remember, this is a list to guide your work and isn’t a must-do checklist. If you think there is something missing from this list please let us know so we can add it.

Outside Masking – Look for a communication coming out today or tomorrow re: outside masking.  The goal is to get it to you first then to staff.  In a nutshell the big change is that masks are not required outside during recess or lunch.  The exception would be if you are bringing an entire class outside for instruction or for an event.  Even with this change in practice we think it is still recommended for BLS staff to wear our masks when we are outside at recess, managing drop off/pick up and greeting parents. 

From Our Coaches – Here’s the link to the Dec. 1st  TLC Update.  Happy reading.

From Sean:  re: SSC/SSI Proposed Evaluation Domains and Standards – One critical aspect of creating a new role in BLPS schools is determining the evaluation rubric.  Please see the below proposal for this year’s evaluation rubric.  This was vetted through a representative group of SSC’s/SSI’s, and Admin.  The group believed this was a great match and would work well for this year.  At this time, I would like you all to take a look at the proposed eval rubric and provide your feedback HERE.  In the future, the plan is to design a rubric specific to the student success program and your new roles.  I am also sending this exact email to SSC/SSI for their comments.  I hope to have this process finalized and determined prior to leaving for winter break.  Thanks in advance for your participation.  

Student Services Coordinator Rubric

Proposed Domain: Standards

  • 2.4 – School Culture: Communication
  • 2.5 – School Culture: Relationships
  • 3.9 – Programs and Services: Assessment
  • 3.10 – Programs and Services: Records
  • 3.11 – Programs and Services: Intervention
  • 4.12 – Professional Responsibilities: Professionalism
  • 4.13 – Professional Responsibilities: Self-Improvement

Skip and Tammy out from Wed afternoon-Friday – We will be at a Grand Canyon University workshop/visitation, so will physically be gone, but don’t hesitate to text if you need us for anything.  Lora and Julie will be here, so they will be on call if you need anything urgent.  

From Kinsey re: Multilingual Department Staff Supervision – You should have received an email this week with updates on Family Liaisons and Language Specialists (schedules, case loads, mini-observations, and evaluations).  

Thanks for reviewing that information, and letting Kinsey know if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions!

Personal Days – Thank you all for closely monitoring personal day use so you don’t exceed 5%.  For most schools 5% equals 2 teachers however for some that number might be a bit more or a bit less.  When in doubt either round up or give Skip and Tammy a call to discuss the leave request. We expect the day before winter break to be another high absence day – fingers crossed we are able to fill all the jobs.

Classified evals – Paul inquired with OSEA union leadership last year and they were not interested in limiting the number of domains for evaluation.  While I haven’t asked this year, I can, but I don’t anticipate their position changing.

From Eric Powell – STAS Level 1 To Do – If you have not already done so, would you please click on the link below to update your building’s Level 1 team information?
BLS STAS Level 1 Teams (Link)


  • SIW schedule
  • Horizontal Meeting Schedule
  • Tammy and Skip visitation schedule
  • Monthly checklist
  • December 9 and 10  – both Tammy and Skip are out.  Please access Loira, Katie, Juan, or Julie for any issues.
  • December 13 – Horizontal meeting (canceled) enjoy!
  • December 15 – Horizontal leadership – Critical Friends protocol for Design plans with Lora 1:30 – 3:30, Board Room – bring copies of your design plan
  • Holiday Cheers!  After the Horizontal meeting on the 15th–McMenamin’s 
  • January 1st – SLGG’s due