August 30th Update

Welcome Back Bend-La Pine Educators! Click the following link to learn more about who’s supporting your school. Introducing your Instructional Coaches!

Standards of Practice for 2021-2022

Literacy Happenings!

Happy August! Julie and/or I (Lindsley) will be presenting to your staffs in the upcoming month our main initiatives for the year, only takes about 15 minutes. If you don’t see us on your schedule check in with principals and say- we want to hear from Julie and Lindsley! 

K-1- our focus will be foundational skills instruction. Each K-1 team will be working alongside our instructional coaches in 3- ½ day studios spread out across the year. These will be opportunities to collaborate with your grade level team on foundational skills instruction.

2-5- we had a stellar team of teachers work over the summer to develop a new scope and sequence for Wonders that focuses on knowledge building within a reading workshop model- think:

  • spending 3-4 weeks on the same instructional focus and topic, hooray!
  • NEWSELA text sets are also all organized for you to use alongside any of the wonders texts you like
  • AND new assessments spread out mostly at end of units- not every Friday!
  • Word work with multisyllabic focus

This is not something you have to start from the get-go, you can jump on board at any time. But if you are interested in a little sneak peek before we present to your staff, reach out to either me (Lindsley) or your instructional coach!

Here is a little visual teaser!

A couple resources that were designed last year, are still available and very relevant to in person instruction. Here are a few to remember:

Mathematics Happenings!

New to Bridges or Bridges Intervention?
The Bridges Educator Site has some great Getting Started videos.  Access the Bridges Educator Site by logging in through Clever. Use your district email and password. Once on the Bridges Educator Site, use this tutorial video to help you navigate to the Getting Started videos.  There are also Number Corner Monthly Preview videos that you can watch each month! See the image to help navigate to it.

Bridges Scope & Sequence
The Bridges Educator Site has some guidance for Scope & Sequence and addressing student needs. Bend-La Pine Schools will be following the Scope & Sequence for 2021-22. However, you can teach the modules that are suggested to omit if your pacing allows for it.  Find all the information here. Specific grade level information can be found here:

Kindergarten     Grade 1    Grade 2   Grade 3    Grade 4    Grade 5    Bridges Intervention

Math Assessments for the 21-22 school year:

  • Administer the unit screeners to determine necessary re-engagement (just-in-time) activities for individuals, small groups, or the whole class.  
  • Administer the post assessments for grades 1-5. There is a possibility that some post unit assessments will be revised especially if content is omitted based on the Scope & Sequence documents. More information will be provided as you approach specific units. 
  • Kindergarten teachers administer at least one checkpoint from each unit.
  • Number Corner Assessments will be optional this year.

 Bridges folders on Google contain:

  • Unit PDF files in print shop ready files
  • Audio files for unit assessments
  • Links to SeeSaw Lessons & YouTube videos
  • And other resources

All post assessments and kindergarten checkpoints should be put into Forefront this school year.  To refresh on Forefront, see these getting started resources. Log in here using your BLS google account. Rosters should be ready the first week of school. The data will also transfer to your Synergy gradebook making report cards a breeze!

Ready to use DreamBox more efficiently in the classroom, but don’t know where to start?

dreambox icon

When you log into DreamBox, look for this small circular DreamBox symbol in the bottom right hand corner for quick links, including DreamBox guides, courses, announcements, support articles and live webinars.

The schedule for live DreamBox webinars is: 9/3, 9/7, & 9/16 and the link to register is here.

Supporting English Learners!

Please reach out to your ELD Teacher/Language Specialist to find out more about your emergent bilingual students.  They will be able to share ELPA results (if applicable), ideas for differentiating for individual levels of language acquisition, and offer ideas for helping your students feel comfortable as they navigate the challenges of acclimating in a new class and meeting a new teacher.

Social Emotional Happenings!

Welcome back educators! We hope you all had a restful and rejuvenating summer. Your Student Success Coaches (previously known as Behavior Coaches) are excited to support your Student Success Coordinators and teams in your buildings this year. Below you will find your school’s Student Success Coach as well as cohorts of schools we will be bringing together to support each other this year. 

Technology Happenings!

Please explore this K-5 technology one-pager.  It highlights the many digital tools used by Bend-La Pine educators, plus it shows BLS educators where to find tech-support! 

At the moment (afternoon of Monday, 8/30) here’s where we are with class rosters syncing with our digital curricula:

  • McGraw Hill  (Wonders ConnectEd)
    • Classroom teachers should have access tomorrow (Tuesday, 8/31) morning
    • Specialists (EL, SPED, Title 1 Reading) should be ready later this week
    • Master Codes have been updated and we are reviewing needs for additional purchases
  • Clever
    • Staff and Sections have been uploaded
    • Each section has one “placeholder student” in it for now
    • Student data should begin to flow on 8/31
  • Apps found in Clever
    • Seesaw
      • Data is currently processing
      • If all goes well, we hope to turn on the nightly sync on 8/31
    • Lexia Core5 – Ready to go!
    • Dreambox – Ready to go!
    • Newsela – Ready to go!
    • Amplify Science
      • Rostering complete
      • We’re in communication with Amplify and they are still mapping content
    • FuelEd/Peak
      • Data validation underway
      • Mopping up minor access issues

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  1. Pingback: September 8th Update – Elementary Curriculum and Instruction