September 29th Update

abstract mural with elk, numbers, letters
Stunning mural located in Rosland Elementary’s hallway

Educator Network Sessions

Educator Network Sessions are formerly known as SIWs. Four “Educator Network” afternoons have been set aside for this year.

Dates:  October 13th, January 12th, February 9th and April 20th. 

Times: 2:00-3:15 for in-person sessions. 1:30-3:00 for virtual sessions

We will have some “Networks”  that meet for 4-sessions on one topic and other “Networks”  that meet for 2-sessions on one topic.  Sign up on Performance Matters – Employee.

Ready, Set, Go!

New resources have been added to the Ready, Set, Go! page on the Elementary Curriculum and Instruction website. If you have other resources you are willing to share with others, send them to your Instructional Coach, Lindsley, Kerry, or Brenna!

For teachers who have students quarantined, here is a sample 1st/2nd grade classroom packet. Thanks to Stephany Dasen for offering this out for others to check out, steal and borrow from.

Literacy Happenings

2nd grade teachers: 
As the DIBELS data comes in and we are speaking with many of you, we are discovering the need for an appendix to our templates. If you have a class that will need sound by sound blending or the abc chant for letter sounds and id as a piece of their foundational skills practice, there is an appendix being created to support you with this. Please check it out here and read the first slide for more information! This is located in the templates folder that can be found on our website here in the top READING tab.

Units of Study writing curriculum videos
The Teacher’s College has decided to sell the writing curriculum in video format for this school year. This would be purchased through your building funds. We just want everyone to know that they are available again for one more year. Here is the ordering information.

Mathematics Happenings

Don’t forget lots of resources are linked on the Curriculum and Instruction page under mathematics. Lots of resources and links for Bridges, DreamBox and Forefront.  More will continue to be included throughout the year!

Bridges – Now that all MLC Math Apps have sharing capabilities, they’ve launched an App Activities page on the newly redesigned MLC website. There, teachers can find a repository of app-based problem-solving tasks to engage and challenge students. You can search by keyword or filter by grade level, topic, or app to find an appropriate problem-solving task for your students.

Each App Activity provides instruction for getting started, ideas for extending the activity, and background pedagogical information. You and your students will notice that the App Activities are not always prescriptive about which visual model to use, instead leaving opportunities for student choice. If you’d like more of a guided tour, MLC blogged about three of their favorite App Activities — with a focus on mathematics, pedagogy, and what to look for from your students.

Technology Update: Apple Classroom

Apple Classroom is a great way for teachers to monitor student iPads at school. These directions for teachers reflect best practices for the 2021-22 school year: How to set up Apple Classroom.

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