October 7th Update

Happy Fall Ya’ll!

Educator Network Sessions

In effort to help everyone feel safe during this time of high covid transmission, changes have been made to the schedule and location for several October 13th sessions.  

Updated Times: 
Virtual sessions:  1:30-3:00
In-person sessions:  2:00-3:15 (session shortened to allow for travel)

Location News:
K-1 teams will meet together in an assigned location in your building.  These sessions will take place from 1:30-3:00 and will be facilitated by your administrator, instructional coach and/or reading interventionist.  

Please remember to sign up for Educator Network sessions on Performance Matters – Employee.

Literacy Happenings

Really Great Reading has some great virtual Science of Reading Trainings coming up. If interested, please sign up here.

Mathematics Happenings

DreamBox – You can now easily see which lessons are recommended for each student and support them accordingly.  See this new feature in DreamBox!

Are caregivers asking for students to use DreamBox at home? Here is a guidance document to share electronically. Make sure the caregiver knows not to help the student with DreamBox activities. If the caregiver wants to do math with the student, Math at Home has amazing resources.

Forefront  – you can now access Forefront through Clever! It will still prompt you to log in with your district google account. But, one less bookmark is always good!

Find a link to Forefront in your Clever account!

Inclusive Practices Spotlight 

  • Why is Bend-La Pine Schools shifting to a focus of Inclusive Practices?
  • What do Inclusive Practices look like in spaces and structures?

Please read more on the Inclusive Practice’s page.

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Bend La Pine schools has begun our pilot project with Harmony SEL.

If you are interested in learning more about Harmony, please attend the Educator Network Day virtually on October 13th from 1:30 to 3:00 pm. Donald Ortman, our Harmony Ambassador, will be hosting a series of training sessions at our Educator Network Days. Interested staff should create a free Harmony SEL login prior to attending – it takes one minute!

Please read more about this on the Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being page.


Digital Citizenship
Common Sense Education has a wealth of digital citizenship resources for teachers. Explore them at your own pace or consider registering for the upcoming Digital Citizenship Educator Network sessions on Performance Matters – Employee

Digital Citizenship Week is observed October 18–22, but digital citizenship lessons and ideas can be integrated in routines year-round.

2 Replies to “October 7th Update”

  1. Pingback: 10/8/21 Weekly Update | Highland Updates

  2. Pingback: 10.10.2021 – Eagle Essentials