Important Information
Summer Professional Learning Opportunities
Other Information
Life and Career Readiness and Social and Emotional Well-Being Curriculum Update
The Life and Career Readiness Steering Committee has met over the past 16 months to define a theory of action and refine core beliefs for social and emotional learning in K-5 classrooms in Bend La Pine Schools. The team came to consensus on using Wayfinder as our instructional tool for integrating social and emotional well-being practices across the school day. Wayfinder was recommended to the school board as a supplementary health curriculum on May 9th and the board will vote on approval in June after the public comment period. Implementation will begin in the 2023-2024 school year.
Why Wayfinder?
#1– K-12 Alignment
#2– Ties to School Board Ends 2 and 3 – Belonging, Passion and Purpose- we know when we understand ourselves, our peers and our passions, we can hone in on purpose. Wayfinder has lessons and resources to support this development and to build these skills in our students.
#3– Provides resources, lessons and tools for Life and Career Readiness and Social and Emotional Well-Being
#4-Wayfinder is based in Bend, OR, which provides BLS with easily accessible consultation, support, training and professional learning.
The plan for implementation for 2023-2024 for educators is to gradually add to, refine and integrate social and emotional well-being practices across the day.
Training for Wayfinder will be on August 30th (district professional learning day) and then additional training and support will be provided as part of Educator Network Days and school-based SIW’s.
Literacy Happenings
Hey, 1st grade!
Whitney Thelan (1st at High Lakes) has created BLAST decodable versions you might like. Check them out and thanks to Whitney!
3rd – 5th HD Word Plus for next year. This document was shared at the last SIW but want to make sure everyone sees it. This is the current plan for placing classrooms for HD Word Plus next year. This will be discussed in more detail on day 189 in the fall. Please reach out to instructional coaches or Lindsley Gehrig with any questions.
Supporting English Learners
ODE has now released all of this year’s ELPA scores; please check with the ELL Language Specialist at your building to find out how your students who are designated as English learners are doing. Want some help determining what are appropriate expectations for your students? Check out the Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) at this link. They will help you know what to expect from your students in reading, writing, speaking and listening tasks.
Movement Moments
Best Day of My Life Kidz Bop – Go Noodle
Shuffle Dance Kidz Bop – Go Noodle
Freeze Dance #3 Coach Gelardi
Helping Kids Focus – Headspace
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – Cosmic Kids Yoga
Learning to Bring Down Stress – Mindfulness Go Noodle|Thought Bubbles – Mindfulness Cosmic Kids Yoga
Fun Brain Breaks:
Yoga Freeze Dance – Video Game
Spot the Difference Fitness Brain Break
Chair Challenge Workout – Go with YoYo (K – 3)
Kids Choice Fitness