October 11th Update

Important Information

Fall Conferences

As fall conferences approach, here is a one page-resource to support keeping the focus on building relationships and support you around questions families may have. Remember, while data can be very useful to us as teachers, too much data can overwhelm families.

Other Information

Literacy Happenings

Substitutes and access to online RGR:
Last year we found free access/links to RGR’s digital curriculum, which we used for substitutes. Those links have since been shut down, so below are our current options:

  • If just for one day,
    • Consider giving them unused activities from day 5 of the previous week for extra practice.
    • Borrow a neighboring teacher’s computer, if teaching at a different time.
  • If for 2 weeks or less,
  • If for a long-term sub (need a nonstaff Bend Lapine email),
    • Office managers can add them to your Synergy class and then they will have access to all digital material through Clever

Writing Wizard Update
This app was reviewed last year by our literacy team and the decision was made to not use this app in general education classrooms. The reason to not use this particular app is that it has students use the pad of their finger to form letters.  This does not emulate how we write and is therefore forming brain pathways for formation that do not match how we hold a pencil.  Please reach out to your instructional coach for ideas on how to meet the needs of your students’ handwriting needs.  In rare cases, this app will be provided to students with OT needs through the HDESD. 

Supporting English Learners

As conferences are approaching, be sure to connect with your language specialist at your school to ensure interpreters are scheduled for your multilingual learners. Here is a link to tips for working with an interpreter. Conferences with an interpreter typically take longer, so keep that in mind when blocking out time for meeting with multilingual learner families. Also, if a translated document is needed for conferences, use Linguist Link. Here is a link to the webpage.  For those that might need a refresher, there is a very helpful tab found at the top of the Linguist Link webpage called “How Does It Work?”. From there you will find this video demo, and other helpful information.

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Before starting the greeting take a few minutes for the group to brainstorm a list of adjectives that you write on the board or chart.  Guide students toward positive adjectives.  Add adjectives as needed to ensure that several adjectives begin with the initial letter or sound of each student’s name.
-Each student chooses an adjective that begins with the same sound as their first name.
-Going around the circle, students introduce themselves by saying, “Hello, my name is (adjective, first name).”
-Classmates respond by saying hello to that student using their adjective and first name.

Share Out: Pair up students and tell them they will each name a career they’re interested in and why.  After the students have a chance to talk together, each student will summarize their partner’s career interest and why to the class.  If you are in grades K – 2 have students tell each other about what they want to be when they grow up.

Group Activity – From Wayfinder Activity Library – Focus: Collaboration (called Collective Shape Making)
Educator Tip! This game works best when students have space to form big shapes as a whole class. If your classroom space is limited, divide students into two groups.
Educator Tip! Empower students to practice their leadership skills by letting them take the lead in facilitating this activity.

  • Inform students that you are going to challenge them to make different shapes as a class, the first shapes might be easier, and then they’ll get harder!
    • Line
    • Circle
    • Square
    • Triangle
  • Once students have practiced making each of these shapes, the game begins!
  • Call out any of these shapes in random order, increasing speed to create more challenge as students gain confidence.

    Partner Up:
  • K – 1: Wayfinder collections: Jumping Together – Students practice cooperating as they work together to complete a simple movement task.
  • 2 – 5:  Wayfinder collections: A picture is worth a thousand words -Students recreate a simple drawing with their eyes closed, relying solely on the descriptions and directions of a partner.

    Wayfinder: If you are looking for a particular skill you want students to work on or focus on, go to the ACTIVITY LIBRARY and search for that skill in the search by keyword section. 

Lesson on Empathy from the Activity Library
Play this one-minute video about Jason Kintzler and why empathy is such an important skill in business.
Discussion Questions:

  • What does Jason Kintzler think is the best way to develop empathy as a positive skill? Why does he think empathy is so important?
  • How can you use empathy to grow and succeed in your own life?

Further Notes:

  • To learn more about Jason Kintzler, click here.

If you have any questions on Community Connection, Partner Up, or Wayfinder please feel free to enter your question here and we will help you out. 

Movement Moment

Guess the Sea Animal Sound
Four Corners Mouse Trap Challenge
Mr Hoppit the Hare Cosmic Kids Challenge
Medshield Kids Yoga – Magic Carpet Ride
PhysEd Zone, “The Witch Doctor” Dance

Technology in the Classroom

Digital Citizenship Week is October 16th-20th
Digital Citizenship Week is just around the corner, highlighting the skills our students need to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. While a single week is dedicated to these critical skills, it’s important to remember that digital citizenship is not a once-a-year effort; it’s a continuous journey. To support year-round commitment, teachers may want to leverage their community time as an opportunity to consistently introduce and discuss digital citizenship themes. With resources such as Common Sense Media and Wayfinder, we can equip our students with the fundamental skills needed for a lifetime of responsible digital participation.

Digital citizenship covers a wide range of topics. Common Sense Media provides ready-to-go lessons for all teachers (K-2 teachers can go here and 3-5 teachers can go here) to use to introduce students to these important skills. At the elementary level, these include:

  • Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, & Hate Speech: Teaching students how to communicate respectfully and kindly in online interactions, such as using positive language and avoiding cyberbullying.
  • Digital Footprint and Identity: Explaining the concept of a digital footprint, how actions online can leave a trace, and the importance of making responsible choices.
  • Privacy and Personal Information: Educating students about the importance of keeping personal information private and not sharing it with strangers online.
  • News and Media Literacy: Teaching students how to evaluate information online, discern between reliable and unreliable sources, and recognize fake news.
  • Relationships & Communication (including Online Gaming): Teaching students about the risks associated with online gaming, including interactions with strangers, and the importance of strong passwords and account security.
  • Media Balance & Well-Being: Encouraging a healthy balance between screen time and other activities, like outdoor play, reading, and face-to-face interactions.

Common Sense Media also provides a Digital Citizenship Week calendar for all grades. Feel free to check it out!

Coding in the Classroom
To reserve Sphero Bolts, Ozobots, Bee-Bots, or Sphero Indi sets, please visit the Instructional Technology blog and complete the request form (you’ll find them on the right side of the page). Dates are filling up fast!

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