Literacy Happenings
EL additional training opportunity (space limited)
We have 3 days available for Expeditionary Learning training through Better Lesson. Our literacy strategic team and coaches will be included in these trainings AND we have additional spots to offer. Below are the dates and the topics for each training. You need to be able to attend all 3 trainings to sign up in this quick survey. The deadline to sign up is the end of the school day on November 22nd. Lindsley will reach out to everyone with additional information.
December 10- Engagement in Modules
February 27 – Leveraging Language
April 10 – Close Reading
Sign up for full-day sub-release planning days and/or after-school planning times.
We are excited to offer additional support/planning times for Expeditionary Learning. If you are interested in participating in these first-come first-serve opportunities (space is limited due to sub capabilities), please Sign up here. An email will be sent to folks the following week regarding getting subs. Space is limited so please do not get subs until you are notified that there is room for you on the specific dates
Deadline to sign-up is December 6th
Full-day w/sub provided:
Jan 21st – 4th and 5th only(Education Center boardroom)
Feb 4th – K and 1st only (Education Center boardroom)
Feb 12th – 2nd and 3rd only (Education Center boardroom)
Afterschool w/timesheet (curriculum rate)-any grade level welcome
Feb 3rd 3:30-6:30 (Education Center boardroom)
Feb 10th 3:30-6:30 (Education Center boardroom)
Recording available from ILC assessment training below!
We accomplished the following:
- Assigning and grading assessments and activities
- Manually entering scores for assessments when students take assessments paper/pencil
- A look at the new text-to-speech feature
- Using the Data Dashboard for standards-level reports
- Learned how to navigate the Imagine Learning platform at the
Next Steps:
The recording from today is located here. The link will be available to view through November 25. Please take note of the passcode to access the recording.
Meeting Link:
Passcode: LAMm8P&E
EPIC sets being added to!
A team of folks are adding to the EPIC sets aligned with EL modules here. Check back to see what has been added. If anyone is interested in supporting the 5th grade EPIC collection, let Lindsley know. There are 7 hours of time-sheeting available for this project.
Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being
For year 2 of our Life and Career Readiness/SEL focus teachers are focusing on the 20 lessons in Wayfinder and using protocols that encourage students talking to each other in community connection, partner up, and across your day.
Check out this document that links EL Module 2 with Wayfinder’s 20 Minute lessons that teach the skills students need. Click on the Module 2 tab on the left of the document to access.
Technology in the Classroom
Classroom Resources
The instructional technology team has several resources available for your classroom. You can learn more about each of these resources here. Interested in reserving? Here are all the links!