November 4th Update

Elk meadow robots
Adorable Robots at Elk Meadow

Important News

Foundational Skills Curriculum Adoption Timeline
Please apply here  by November 12th, if you would like to be a part of the foundational skills curriculum adoption process.

Literacy Happenings

Are you excited to start upgrading your phonological/phonemic instruction through Heggerty but wondering:

  • Where in the world does it fit into my foundational skills work?
  • What can I get rid of?
  • What are options for implementing it? Do I have to use the videos, the book …?

Well, wait no longer- here is a 5-minute video to help clarify some of your questions!

i love heggerty
Heggerty feedback from a Bend-La Pine student!

Kindergarten teachers: 
Erica Hoiness has created an amazing decodable resource for you! She is compiling decodables that align with each unit and week of Wonders K curriculum. It is a work in progress- so save in your drive and check back to see what has been added.  We are stronger together- thanks Erica!

Math Happenings

MLC Geoboard App
Your students will need to download the new version from Self Service.  The app needed to be deleted and reinstalled to have the ability to use the share codes.

Audio Files for Bridges Assessments
With the Google security update, the QR codes needed to be revised.  Please see the new directions in the Bridges Google Folders

DreamBox Usage – Check your student usage.  If students are completing more than 10 lessons a week, provide other activities for them to do during that time, such as Work Places. The ideal is 5-10 lessons per week. If you students have less than 5, help them set goals for how they can complete their 5 lessons a week. Reach out to Kerry Morton or your instructional coach if you want more ideas.

Inclusive Practices Spotlight

What do INCLUSIVE PRACTICES look like in supports and intervention?

  • There are supports utilized so that all students can be successful in all school settings.
  • Regulation needs are met within the general education environment to the maximum extent possible.
  • Supports and student plans are proactive, not reactive.
  • High expectations are held for all students.

Please read more on the Inclusive Practices page.


myON is a student-centered digital library tool that gives K-5 students access to thousands of enhanced digital books. Students and teachers can access myON through Clever. Learn how to get started with myON on this webpage for Bend-La Pine educators. 

read with myon

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