November 10th Update

Outstanding Owls at Ponderosa!

Report Card Information

Here is information regarding updates to the report card.  The “official” report card is not yet ready for viewing.  This letter will help to explain what will be on the report card and what changes to expect. A parent letter is also included to help explain changes to families and caregivers.  This letter will be translated.  

Math Happenings

The Oregon State Board of Education just adopted new math standards. Find out more on the Math Standards Tab

OAKS will now allow math manipulatives!  It is detailed in the Oregon Accessibility Manual.

  • Table 2.4 on page 19 gives a general description and administration guidelines.
  • Appendix F on page 113 gives an allowable list of manipulatives and a process through which additional manipulatives may be considered.

Supporting English Learners

Fine Tune Think/Pair/Share:
Do your emergent bilinguals participate in partner talk during pair-shares?  Many will hang back, feeling self-conscious about their language and let their partner do all or most of the talking.  Try giving everyone a few moments to think about their responses and wait for the signal to begin talking; this will allow all students more time to construct a response.  Research indicates that extended think time will result in everyone’s response being longer and more thoughtful.  Another hint: change-up who goes first so that each partner gets ample opportunity to lead the conversation.

Inclusive Practices Spotlight

What do INCLUSIVE PRACTICES look like in equity and community?

  • Every student has a general education teacher.
  • There are no semantic barriers or labels assigned to classrooms or groups of students (“Life Skills kids,” “behavior classroom,” etc.)
  • All students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities.
  • Decisions about instructional settings are determined on the basis of student needs and not on the basis of labels or available services.

Please read more on the Inclusive Practices page.


Research & Safe Searching

  • It’s important to guide elementary students when it’s time for research.
  • When they’re not looking at books from the library, show students where to look on iPads:
  • Many more amazing resources can be found on your Media Center’s webpage!  Click on the Academics tab, then Media Center.  Like this:

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