November 17th Update

Bright-Eyed Owls at Three Rivers School

You are #1 on our blessings list! 
We hope you have an amazing ‘brain break’ next week- enjoying all the important items on your list!

Math Happenings

Bridges Post Assessments
Sara Swedlund is helping revise the post assessments. Thank you Sara! Grade 3, unit 2 is complete and the rest will be added throughout the year. They will be found in the Bridges Google Folder under “Revised Unit Assessments.” As they are completed, you will also see a revised rubric in Forefront.

Supporting English Learners

Are our students learning the language they need to read, write and talk about the content being taught?  While all students need to learn Tier III content vocabulary, emergent bilinguals may need clarification on the other language used when teaching content as well.  Consider the word “table;” when a table is referred to in science or math (as a place where data is recorded or stored) and imagine the confusion experienced by language learners when the picture that comes to mind is the place where people gather to eat meals!  Being conscious of words that might be unknown or confusing so that quick clarifications, visuals or diagrams can be included will result in less time lost in confusion, and more overall comprehension of important instruction.

Inclusive Practices Spotlight

What do INCLUSIVE PRACTICES look like in collaborative partnerships

  • All teachers have opportunities to collaborate and plan with the service providers that support their students. 
  • Sufficient time is available to support quality planning for all teachers. 
  • Sufficient time is available for service providers to meet with all planning teams they are a part of. 
  • All faculty members are knowledgeable of the contents of each student’s IEP for whom they are responsible. 
  • Service providers (Learning Specialists, OT, SLP, etc) promote the use of their services within the context of the population of the whole school.

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Are you currently using social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum or strategies in your classroom or school building? Please take a moment to apply to be on our SEL steering committee by Friday, December 3rd. We are looking for certified, classified and administrators to serve on the team. Student and family input will be part of the process as well. We will meet monthly beginning in mid-December. SEL Steering Committee Survey


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  1. Pingback: 11.20.2021 – Eagle Essentials