April 27th Update

rainbow landscape

Feedback Wanted!

There is less than a week left to provide feedback for the Foundational Skills Curriculum Adoption.  Here is the link for digital descriptions of each program.  Please add your feedback by clicking on the links below. Feedback can be short!

Innovative Conference

We would love to have our amazing educators share great ideas at the Innovative Conference on August 24th and 25th.  Please sign up to facilitate a session before May 8th!!  Share your practice with your colleagues!!
Sign up here

Literacy Happenings

Summer and Fall Foundational Skills Courses
Sign up for our summer and fall foundational skills courses now! Here is a list of our class offerings with all the details: descriptions of what to expect, credit opportunities, video showing how to sign up on performance matters … the works! Hope to see you there! Recommendation for SpEd, Title and Reading Interventionists:  Choose one of the “Reimagining Foundational Skills” to attend – you can choose if K-2 or 3-5 is of most interest for you for your day 189. 

Math Happenings – Get Your Math Learning On!

The 2022 Early Math Symposium – Free Virtual Symposium! 
Friday, June 24, 2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM PACIFIC time. Register and find out more here

Oregon Math Leaders Conference August 5-6 at Linfield College – registration will be coming soon. OML is also seeking speakers! Fill out this form by May 1st if you are interested.

Equitable and Mathematically Productive Engagement will August 10-12, 2 credits – register on Performance Matters

How Math Teaching Matters will be August 17-19, 2 credits – register on Performance Matters

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Collaborations are team building classroom activities. They can take place during morning meetings, brain-breaks, meets ups, or any time throughout the day.

  • Human Word Search – Give each child a piece of paper with a letter on it. Challenge students to combine their letters to form words. Possible reflection Questions: What went well? How did you work well together? What would you do differently next time? When discussing the actions that went well or what was challenging, encourage students to discuss actions rather than specific people.
  • Quick Collaboration Cards
    Ideas for fun activities that promote joint problem solving and cooperation: K-2 and 3-5
  • Quick Connection Cards
    Quick Connections Cards contain ideas for brief discussions and activities that provide peers with opportunities to share, think, collaborate, and have fun together. K-2 and 3-5
  • Meet-Up Questions of the Week:
    K – 2: What is your favorite thing about school?
    3 – 5: If you could switch places with one person for the day, who would it be? What would you do?