April 20th Update

Happy Earth Day art
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtfully committed citizens can change the world.”  – Margaret Mead, anthropologist. Earth Day is a great time to motivate kids to change the world, each in their own way.

Literacy Happenings

Goodbye Popcorn Reading
Are you looking for alternatives to round-robin reading, aka popcorn reading? Check out this quick article: Stop Popcorn Reading. It neatly outlines the negative outcomes of popcorn reading, while providing lots of alternative ideas for educators!

Reimagining Foundational Skills Courses
Sign up for summer and fall foundational skills courses now! Here is a list of class offerings with descriptions of what to expect, OSU & PDU credit opportunities, video showing how to sign up on Performance Matters … the works! Hope to see you there!

Foundational Skills Curriculum Adoption

We only have one week left to view materials and give feedback.  Please check out the digital materials here. You can view the materials “in-person” at Rosland, Ensworth, Silver Rail, High Lakes and Ponderosa today, April 20th during the “optional” Educator Network Day from 1:30-2:30 or from 2:00-3:00 today.  You can also view the materials at the Education Center on April 21st from 2:30-4:30 or from 6:00-7:00pm.  Please provide us with feedback… your voice is important!!

Staff Feedback Forms:


Take a look at these recent (and helpful!) blog posts from BLS Educational Technology:

Social Emotional & Mental Well-Being

Harmony Training 1:30-3:00, April 20th, Educator Network Series. If you attend, you may submit a timesheet for your hours. Zoom Meeting Link

Meeting Focus:

  • Review Third Edition for Everyday Practices 
  • Introduce new Harmony units 3 (Communication) and 4 (Problem Solving)
  • Planning time with grade level teams to implement Harmony

Meet-Up Questions of the Week:
K – 2: When you are feeling sad, what do you do to feel better?
3 – 5: “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” –Abraham Lincoln
What is something that you think about or do that makes you happy, even when you are feeling down?

Quick Connection Cards
Quick Connections Cards contain ideas for brief discussions and activities that provide peers with opportunities to share, think, collaborate, and have fun together. K-2 and 3-5

Inclusive Practices Spotlight

What do INCLUSIVE PRACTICES look like in equity and community

  • Every student has a general education teacher. 
  • There are no semantic barriers or labels assigned to classrooms or groups of students (“Life Skills kids,” “behavior classroom,” etc.) 
  • All students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities. 
  • Decisions about instructional settings are determined on the basis of student needs and not on the basis of labels or available services.

Celebrate Earth Day!