
Storyline Design Courses
Are you interested in learning more about Storyline and how to bring it into your classroom? Check out the flyer below with registration information for the Scottish Storyline Method course. The credit portion of the Storyline classes qualify for district tuition reimbursement (additional fees will not be reimbursed).
Social Emotional and Mental Well-Being
Facilitate restorative circles that encourage dialogue, empathy, and understanding. This collection of lessons and activities can be used to provide a platform for conflict resolution, healing, and strengthening relationships within the classroom community.
Directions on how to find the Collections in Wayfinder
Direct Links to Restorative Practices Collections
1st – 2nd
3rd – 5th
Movement Moments
Space Jam Chase – Basketball Brain Break
Basketball Would you Rather Brain Break
Mario Basketball Brain Break
Be Balanced – Fists on Fire – Kids Yoga
Be Kind – Breathe in Kindness – Kids Yoga