BLS EdTech Bytes 4.23.21

Lesson Idea

Newsela is an instructional content tool that allows teachers to find articles with appropriate reading levels for their students. Newsela articles also feature questions and writing prompts that align with common core standards. If you want to bring real-life events into your classroom with engaging content and analytics that share just how your students are doing, try Newsela!.

Newsela was previously available to just our middle school classrooms. It is now accessible to all grade levels until (at the very least) the end of this school year. Our elementary and secondary updates below share how to properly access Newsela with your students. Your feedback will be appreciated and could impact whether Newsela will be available beyond this school year.

Elementary Update

Newsela in Clever

Elementary teachers and students will find Newsela (pronounced “newzella”) in Clever. Teachers can encourage students to explore articles at their own pace, or teachers can create assignments within Newsela. Click here to learn about Newsela assignments. 

The reading level of articles can be adjusted, and students can even listen to articles by tapping the read-aloud icon. Currently Newsela is designed for grades 2nd and higher. Here’s more info about Newsela’s reading levels:

Have fun learning about Newsela! Their helpful support page can be found here:

Secondary Update

Newsela Canvas Integration

Please read this document from our Canvas team for tips on how to best help your students access Newsela at the middle and high school level.

Upcoming Canvas paid PD opportunities

Best Practices for Blended Learning  Wed 4/28/2021 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
We hope that you will attend this valuable training. Use this link to get to Performance Matters in order to hold your spot and receive the zoom invitation.

Tech Tip

Are you considering purchasing Technology for your school or classroom?

If you’re wanting to add new technology to your classroom, please follow district protocol before purchasing equipment/hardware. This will ensure that someone in the IT department can support you and the equipment, should questions or challenges arise.

All hardware must be purchased through the BLS Information Technology Department via a help desk ticket purchase request. The office manager at your school is the person who would typically submit these requests. Here is the current cost worksheet for many commonly requested items. Prices are not guaranteed and can fluctuate. Teachers can submit a ticket and request a quote before committing to the purchase. If you have questions about purchasing technology, please contact your office manager or your site tech. If you are applying for a grant or asking a PTO to fund new technology, please consult with your site tech or your instructional technology coach.


Apple Classroom

Returning to “all-in” instruction has prompted several questions regarding the use of Apple Classroom. The setup for this valuable toolset has changed from the previous school year. Instructions for how to get started with Apple Classroom can be found here.

About Scott McDonald

Instructional Technology Coach for the Bend-La Pine School District.