Good morning all,
I want to start with a big thank you for last week–it was full and busy, but it was also fun and full of connections. Thanks for a successful Back to School Night, Pancake Breakfast, and Camp Amity! I truly appreciate all you do! And thanks to Matt, Amanda, and Scott for staying late last Thursday to help with interviews. Next year I think we’ll keep the Pancake Breakfast with Camp Amity, but we won’t have Back to School Night the same week–far too ambitious! Again, thanks for all the extra efforts.
Lots to share this Monday AM:
1) We welcome Tonya Myers this week as a new member of the team! Please reach out to her and see how you can help her settle in and perhaps make some plans to buddy-up with the Kinders soon. I greatly appreciate your help in supporting Tonya as she settles in. A note went out to the community yesterday welcoming Tonya.
2) Outdoor Ed info was supposed to be submitted to me by the end of last week. For those who have yet to get it done please make time to get it to me by the end of the day Tuesday.
3) SIW this week: We’ll meet for about 30 minutes, mostly to discuss kiddos needing extra support/attention. You’ll likely have about an hour to work on other things. We’ll meet at 2:30 in Frans’ room (hope this is ok Frans!).
4) Important reminder: Whenever you leave campus with your class you must have your phone with you (and please check to be sure it is not silenced). This is obviously a significant safety measure–you can call for help, and we can locate you when needed (i.e. parents showing up at school and needing to pick up their child). This applies to planned field trips, Invitations, and spontaneous walking trips–any time you leave campus with students.
5) Field trips this week: Grade 2 heads to Fall River on Tuesday, Grade 5 is headed out to the Deschutes on Thursday. These both look to be amazing trips!
6) Cafe Amity update: Hopefully you have had a chance to read the letter I sent to families last week regarding changes to Cafe Amity. A few key points:
*We will continue to encourage families to contribute donations, either in the form of a baked good (made or purchased) and/or to contribute to a fund to purchase freshly baked goods from a local bakery (Village Baker) with whom we will have a standing weekly order. The donation ($) folders are in the office. We have suggested a donation of $15-20 for families who would rather donate money than goods. We already have a few donations!
*We are also encouraging families to get involved by helping their child’s class bake for Cafe Amity. This is something they can coordinate with you and we just need to know so we don’t purchase bakery items for that week. One of our new Kinder parents, Chris Bachtel, has graciously offered to work with any class to bake goods–you just need to reach out to her and let her know you are interested. Let me know and I’ll send you her email address. Below are the dates that each class is hosting.
*We will continue to need support of parents and students to set up, sell, and clean up. When it is your week please continue to send out an email to parents asking for donations of freshly baked goods (no donuts, donut holes, cookies), and seeking help with set up (8am), selling, and clean up.
Cafe Amity Dates for each class:
Café Amity Committee: 9/26
5TH Grade: 10/3, 11/28, 1/23, 3/6, 5/1
4th Grade: 10/10, 12/5, 1/30, 3/13, 5/8
3rd Grade: 10/17, 12/12, 2/6, 3/20, 5/15
2nd Grade: 10/31, 12/19, 2/13, 4/3, 5/22
1st Grade: 11/7, 1/9, 2/20, 4/17, 5/29
Kinders: 11/14, 1/16, 2/27, 4/24
*All grades have 5 rotations except for Kinders who have 4
7) Grades 3/4/5–iPad rollout this Friday. Patti and I will be getting some important info to you today–forms, etc.
8) In case parents are asking (we will be sending a reminder today) the Pastini Fundraiser is tonight and tomorrow night from 5-9. All families need to do is mention Amity Creek and we get 50% of the profits.
9) Deschutes Brewery is hosting a community fundraiser bonfire this Friday, Sept. 28, 5-9 pm, down next to The Marina in Bend. Beer and raffle sales will benefit the Nightingales. Let’s try and get as many Amity folks there as possible. If you are sending out a note this week to families please include this.
10) I have an admin meeting today and will be leaving campus shortly after school gets out. Call or text if you need me.
Upcoming dates:
*Oct 2: DIBELS in AM
*Oct 1-5: EasyCBM
~Grade 1 on Wednesday @11:30
~Grade 2 on Wednesday @12:30
~Grades 3/4/5–we will coordinate soon.
*Oct 3: School Pics. Order forms going home today-Patti will deliver to you.
Here’s to a great week ahead!