I hope you had an amazing weekend after our first full week. We are definitely underway! Thanks for all your hard work launching the new school year, it feels great!
It was a low key weekend for me, just a lot of relaxing in my new socks…

A few notes to get you going:
1) Fire Drill Tuesday at 9:20am. Please talk with your class prior to the drill, and be sure to take your class roster, emergency book (red/green), and first aid kit out with you.
2) Gym use and Invitations. Be sure you are using these two docs every week:
Gym Use, Invitations
3) Back to School Night this Thursday, 5-6:30pm. This is a time to share your excitement about the year ahead, talk about some of the exciting things you’ll be doing with your class, share highlights from the first two weeks, talk about routines, and let parents know how they can partner with you. This would be a good time to get some student work up in the hallways! Reminder that childcare is available–BIG thanks to Karima and Diane!
The plan:
*5:00-5:30 all in gym, intros and volunteering info (you can head back to your class after intros)
*5:30-6:30 in classrooms
4) Staff meeting Tuesday, 2:45pm in Grade 4.
5) SIW this week is teacher directed. Hoping you will spend a little bit of this time with your team.
6) Reflections from last week:
*Drop off and pick up are going really well! Any feedback?
*Regular Community Time is awesome, and keeping them short and sweet is working very well! The reinforcement of expectations is really helping as well.
*Enrichment and PE are both going great. Two things:
~One thing we need to focus on is supporting Lauren in the PE transitions–these transitions are very tight with really no time or wiggle room. It’s crucial that you arrive on time with your students and that you are waiting for them when their time is up (unless you have made special arrangements with Lauren). I know your half hour goes by very quickly, and if it were me I’d set an alarm on my phone to make sure I arrived on time for pick up. Smooth transitions in and out of PE make a HUGE difference for students and their experience! Also, please remember to have students bring water bottles to minimize the need to leave the gym.
~ For Enrichment it’s important to know that both the rear door (to the playground) and the Wolf Den door have to be locked during classroom time. So, it’s really important to be sure you have your entire class with you when you drop them off, and students should bring water bottles so they don’t need to come back into the building. Thanks for your support with PE and Enrichment!
*End of lunch: Some students still seem a little confused about where to put their lunch boxes before they head outside. Please be sure you have communicated where students should put their lunch boxes outside your classroom (many were asking to go into their classrooms to put lunch boxes away). Also, please remind students to be sure they have everything they need at lunch/recess before leaving the classroom. And lastly, please be sure to lock your doors when you leave for lunch. Thanks!
7) Following up: One big thing that seemed to emerge from our retreat and the follow up we had last week is the idea of having some common language and structure for problem solving with students. I’d like to meet soon with an interested group of people to begin the process. The idea would be for a small group to meet and work on this and then for this group to share their thinking with the larger group and get input. I’m excited about this and look forward to working with a few of you to get the ball rolling. The first meeting will be Thursday, October 6 at 2:45.
8) School-wide themes input needed. September is flying by and before too long October all arrive-I’d like to have a theme ready for October. Please discuss amongst yourselves (perhaps at lunch) and if you are inclined email me your top 2 ideas for a theme for October by the end of the week. I’ll let you know the theme soon. In October we can discuss a more long term plan for themes.
9) Bias Incident lesson. Last week I sent you a link to view the Bias Incident Lesson. I know many of you haven’t had a chance to look at it but if you have a moment please give it a look before the staff meeting. I’ll give you the context for the lesson at our staff meeting on Tuesday–it’s important!
10) Just an FYI, since we are using the gym every day until 2:20 (1pm on Wednesdays) Campfire will be using the staff room to do their prep each day from 2:15-2:30.
11) Trip slips for Camp Amity and field trips-please be sure you have slips for all students. Grab some extras for Back to School Night just to be sure!
12) Mark your calendars, the Variety Show is back! We have reserved the Bend High auditorium for March 1!
Upcoming Dates (be sure you have these on your calendar)
September 20: Fire Drill, 9:20am
September 22: Back to School Night, 5-6:30pm
September 26/27: Camp Amity at Shevlin Park! 9:30am-1:30pm
September 29: DIBELS (AM)
September 30: Lockdown Drill, 9:20am
September 30: Pancake Breakfast, 7-8am
October 3/4: Dental Screenings
October 6: Problem Solving group, 2:45pm
October 11: Picture Day
October 12: Vision Screening (Lion’s Club)
October 15: Harvest Festival (tentative, pending parent volunteers)
October 18: Earthquake/Fire Drill, 9:15am
October 19/20: Conversations, No School
November 10: Secure Drill, 9:20am
November 11: Veteran’s Day, No School
November 21-25: Thanksgiving Break, No School
November 29: Fire Drill, 9:20am
November 30: Picture Retakes
Here’s to a great week ahead!