I hope you had a fantastic 3 day weekend! We only have a 4 day week ahead but it’s chock full with good stuff!
A few notes to get you going:
1) As I mentioned a few weeks back when we were talking about staffing for next year, we are looking to hire a .2 counselor for next year. We had only 2 candidates apply and both will be visiting this week. Bryn will be here on Tuesday from 10-11 and Katie will be here from 8-9 Thursday. We will be dropping into classes (likely not all). Please welcome them!
2) Memory Book Night for Grades 2/3/4 on Wednesday from 5-7pm
3) Both Kinder (Weds) and Grade 2 (Thurs) have outdoor ed trips this week!
4) SIW this week is to use as you see fit–plenty to do!
5) On Friday we have a Summit High theater group coming to perform The Real Story of the 3 Pigs–show starts at 8:30am. All classes.
6) Here’s the link I sent you last week for the last 2 weeks–please add to it if you have new things to add. Also, is there something on there that is not right? Last 2 weeks 2023-24
7) I have an admin meeting at Rosland Elementary in La Pine on Tuesday at 3pm so I will be heading out at 2:15pm.
8) Looking ahead, we have Camp Amity next Monday and Tuesday! Both days are looking to push into the 80’s! Also, we have the annual BBQ next week as well.
May 29: SIW, In house
May 29: Kinder to Miller’s Landing
May 29: Memory Book Night, Grades 2/3/4. 5-7pm
May 30: Grade 1 Benham Falls East
May 31: Summit High production of The Real Story of the 3 Pigs is coming to Amity, 8:30am.”
June 3/4: Camp Amity!
June 4: Staff Meeting (last one of the year!)
June 5: Cafe Amity, Grade 5’s last cafe to host
June 5: SIW, Teacher Work Day
June 6: End of Year Community BBQ
June 11: Grade 4 Lava Lands/Cave
June 12: FULL School Day, no early release
June 12: iPad roll-in for Grade 5
June 12: Volunteer Tea (hosted by Andy and Patti)
June 13: Grade 5 Graduation
June 14: iPad roll-in for Grades 2/3/4
June 14: Bread and Jam
June 18: Last day, 1pm release. Staff gathering shortly after school gets out!
Here’s to a great week ahead!