Welcome back! I hope you had an amazing week off. Yes, it says December! Yikes, how did we get here? I’m looking forward to the 3 week bonanza between now and our winter break…
A few (well, more than a few) notes to get you going:
1) Just a reminder, self-portraits for the auction are due before Winter Break.
2) PE Equipment. If you use any of the PE equipment please put it back in the cupboards. No one should have to spend any time searching for what they need or cleaning up what has been left out. Thanks!
3) SIW this week–we’ll be circling back to check in on our goals for the year. We’ll meet at 2pm in Ray’s room.
4) Fire Drill this Wednesday at 10:50am.
5) Cafe Amity this Friday, December 6–Grade 3 is hosting.
6) Field Trips this week:
*Grade 4 heads to Bend Science Station Thursday and Friday
7) EBISS next Wednesday, December 11. Please note the new schedule (result of no longer having 4/5 PE and Music on Wednesdays). Tonya will be here to cover your classes.
8:30-9:00: Grade 5
9:00-9:30: Grade 4
10:00-10:30: Grade 2
10:30-11:00: Grade 3
12:00-12:30: Kinder (kids will have PE with Mindy)
12:30-1:00: Grade 1 (kids will have PE with Mindy)
8) I’m going to start meeting monthly with EAs as a group. The first meeting is Thursday, December 12 at 8:30am. We’ll meet for about 30 minutes. K and 1 teachers please plan not to have your EA during this time (Grade 2 will be in art).
9) Staff Appreciation Breakfast is on Tuesday, December 17 starting at 7:15am. Breakfast provided for the staff by the district administration.
10) Holiday Meal will be Thursday, December 19 and all families are invited! I’ll send info home soon.
11) NO Staff Meeting this week, I know you have lots to do!
12) Just want to be sure you have the Variety Show date in your calendars–March 5.
13) I have an Admin meeting today so will be leaving at 3pm.
14) Holiday Party is this Saturday night at Ray’s house. White Elephant gift exchange, so bring something wrapped. The gifts are not intended to be desirable to most, but could be desirable to some–should be fun! Remember to bring food and beverage to share. We’ll start at 5pm.
December 4: Fire Drill, 10:50am
December 6: Cafe Amity, Grade 3 hosts
December 9: Lion’s Vision Screening, starting at 8:30am
December 10: Shelter in Place Drill, 9:20am
December 10: Staff Meeting, 2:45pm
December 11: EBISS
December 12: Dental Screenings, K-2 starting at 8:30am
December 12: EA Meeting, 8:30am
December 19: Holiday Meal
December 23-January 3: NO SCHOOL–Winter Break!
Here’s to a great week ahead!