Good Morning!
Fall is officially upon us and I hope it lasts a good long time! How about a good Fall joke to get us started?
What do you call a tree that doubts autumn? Disbe-leaf.
Some notes to get you going:
1) DIBELS this week on Thursday. Scott will coordinate.
2) Picture Day is also on Thursday. Korey (subbing for Patti) and a parent (or two) will coordinate this.
3) The first Café Amity of the year is this Friday, October 4 from 7:30-8:15. Grade 5 hosts. Community Time will start at 8:15am. If you want to order coffee for home it needs to be done via Friends of Amity website ( by Tuesday afternoon.
4) EasyCBM schedule for this week:
*Grades 1: Wednesday 10-11am, half class at a time
*Grade 2: Wednesday 8:30-9:30am, half class at a time
*Grades 3/4/5 in classrooms before the end of the day Friday (Oct 4)
5) SIW this week will be focussed on Conversations (parent/teacher conferences), discussing the idea of moving towards portfolios, and end of year Narratives (our “report card”). 2pm in Frans’ room.
6) Harvest Festival is coming soon–Saturday, October 19 from 4-7pm. This is a parent run event but we always appreciate teacher’s presence and support for the event.
7) We still have 2 ICCL (Instructional Couch and Curriculum Leader) positions available. From the job description: The ICCL will support and facilitate the school’s work of professional learning communities toward continuous school improvement, teacher effectiveness, and increased student achievement. Do you have an area of focus in which you’d like to take a leadership role (not expertise, but a desire to learn more and share)? A few ideas: Collaborative Problem Solving (a la Ross Green), Multi-cultural education (bringing the wider world to Amity), and Math (diving deeper into Jo Boaler’s work). Just a few ideas. Stipend is $1250. Please let me know if you are interested.
8) Our first EBISS (Effective Behavior and Instructional Support Systems) meeting will be Wednesday, October 16. For those that are new to this it is a time for us to meet (30 minutes) to look at available data and get your input about interventions needed for students in your class. I’ll touch base with those of you that are new. Schedule (sub will cover your class):
8:30-9:00: Kinder
9:00-9:30: Grade 1
10:00-10:30: Grade 2
10:30-11:00: Grade 3
12:00-12:30: Grade 4
12:30-1:00: Grade 5
9) We have a few field trips this week–hoping the weather cooperates!
Friday: Grade 2 to Fall River, Grade 5 to Lava Lands
Next week: Grade 4 heads to Soda Creek/Sparks Lake on Monday, and Grade 3 heads to the Metolius River on Tuesday.
10) Reminder, NO ART next week\, October 10 & 11
11) Our first Family Night will be November 7–BINGO. 5-6:30pm.
October 3: DIBELS
October 3: Picture Day
October 4: Cafe Amity! 7:30-8:15am
October 10: Fire Drill @ 9:20am
October 16: EBISS
October 19: Harvest Festival, 4-7pm
October 23-25: Conversations, no school for kiddos
October 28: K/1/2 to D & D Ranch
November 7: Family Night BINGO, 5-6:30pm
Here’s to a great week ahead!