Good Morning Campers,
I have no idea how it happened, but it’s November! I hope the long weekend was good to you, and that Conversations were better than imagined or expected-I hope your time with parents (even through it was virtual) was rewarding and insightful!
No picture from the weekend, but wanted you to know you’re not alone on the day after Halloween…

A few things to get us going this week:
1) Monday Community Time starts today at 9:15am. Lindsey and Frans have graciously offered to get this going for us–thank you!! Remember to bring in a picture from your childhood!
Grade 1 hosts Community Time on Friday at 1:30pm
2) Candy, oh candy. The days following Halloween are always filled with candy at school. Some parents are great about monitoring what their children are bringing to school, and some are not. Some don’t bring any candy at all. Let’s be clear with kiddos that candy should only be eaten at snack and lunch time and should be limited to 2-3 pieces a day. Also, this is a good time to emphasize taking care of this place in terms of making sure students throw away those pesky little wrappers.
3) Often after Conversations there may be things to follow up on with families and students. If there is anything I can do to support you please don’t hesitate to ask! Also, please follow up with families who did not sign up (or show up).
4) Reminder: Nathan is out still out today and tomorrow. PE is still on, just no music.
5) SIW this week: We’ll use our time to discuss School Design (how we’ll spend our SIW time) and Camp Amity (Activity sign-up). I’m looking for someone to do a warm up activity at SIW this week. Who’s up for it?
6) I’d like to slowly start to bring back Choice Time (currently known as recess). Choice Time allows students to stay inside at break times (AM and PM, not lunch). We’re not ready for students to be able to wander from room to room yet, but you could pick a break time or two each week and stay in your room with students who want to stay in. Frans has already been doing this for a little while now and the students clearly appreciate and enjoy the opportunity. I only ask that you do not choose times when you have playground duty. Thanks for considering this, I think it will be really great to reestablish this, even if in small bits. You’ll still need to meet students at the end of break times so be sure to have students in your classroom clean up early and join you for a stroll to get the rest of the class.
7) Keeping Taking Care of Yourself/Others/Place alive! I think that if it is not a regular part of your routine that you take some time to review work you have done with your class around Taking Care of Yourself/Others/Place. Values and agreements work best when we keep them alive and present in our daily lives-revisiting this each and every week will have the greatest, most long term impact. Thanks!
8) A few of you recently received an email regarding MAC training (not everyone will need to train up). Please make sure you do the training prior to our next MAC survey day on November 15.
9) Pies arrive on Thursday and will be distributed at afternoon pick-up. Information will be sent out to families this week. FOA has it covered.
*November 1: Communty Time hosted by Lindsey and Frans
*November 4: Pies arrive-FOA to handle all logistics! We’ll send out an email to families with details. It all happens during Afterschool pick up.
*November 5: Grade 1 hosts Community Time
*November 10: Camp Amity comes to a school near you.
*November 22-26: Thanksgiving Break!
*December 20-31: Winter Break
Here’s to a great week ahead!